I just added your macros. haven’t yet tried, but I will. I wonder about your video whats your Q/W is on spell bar?
Is this competitive in raids?
Would love to see logs if someone have any.
I love this macro, even though I was not a fan in the beginning; I think that I just needed to learn how to use it properly.
This code puts out high HPS (rivaling both Priests and Shammys) while having all the mobility of a MW Monk. In big boss fights, where the floor is full of AoEs, all other healer classes are planted where they stand, but with this macro an hpally is not.
However, I did change/tweak the code for my own uses; I put MartyWrath on the same keybind as Marty–they are no longer two separate macros. I merely added a modifier to make the MartyWrath CDs happen.
Now that 7.2 has arrived, I will weave in other abilities to pad my HPS numbers, while keeping up both high mobility and deep healing ability. This macro is perfect for Mythic fights + BGs/PVP.
If you are getting low numbers when you first start using this macro; check to see what you are doing wrong/what you have specced. A little trial and error will help matters.
–John Q.
When I copy paste into GSE2 it say Import succesfull but it is not there… =( FeelsBadMan
I just cant get this to work. it does something when targeting name plates but trying to mouseover at grid or blizz party/raid frames doesnt work at all
Works perfect for me! (remember to put you char name in the macros folks!)
did normal NH and spiked at 380K hps! and average about 250K, that’s with 891 ilvl and not that much crit. I didn’t even have to use MartyWrath, so I guess I could go even higher!
I love it! Thanks man!
NWM, got it working on healbot. LOVING IT =) thanks, returned after looooong brake so this helps alot!
thanks alot
I want to thank you for this macro. Paladin healing was always harder for me than other healers and your macro is amazing. Mobility in PvP is huge and this macro makes it possible for a healer that use to be stuck in one spot to heal and we all hate to have to stop healing to survive multiple dps on me and This Macro gets the job done on the run. I had to work on Vuhdu to get this to work properly and if you are a user I put the Marty macro on my down scroll button and check the box “target frame” you are healing to prevent the target drops I got initially. Bind “W” to run and start pounding heals. You don’t need any modifications, no @vuhdu or any other crap, just mouse over a bar and spin the wheel, rinse / repeat. Always good to get a Ret to give you wisdom to get a good hold on your mana. This macro is all that and I highly suggest any serious pally heals to use this in PvE or PvP.
Good job on this macro and I will say it is the best macro I have used for any healing class.
John Q can you post your macro that you have created by combining these macros together? I tried the regular Marty in a bg and got steamrolled.
I am sorry, Tyreek, but my macros somehow got purged from my folder. Thank God, I still have the ones for my main class; which isn’t Pally. However, basically, what you need to do is copy-and-paste the abilities from Marty Wrath into your Marty macro.
It would look like this at the bottom of Marty:
/cast [mod:ctrl] Avenging Wrath
Do the above line for all of them
You can also use [mod:shift] or [mod:alt]; whichever key is more comfortable for you to us.
Hope that helps.
–John Q.
can someone explain the “MartyWrath” im must be dumb cause i cant seem to get this to work.
what is it suppose to do?
i pop it and i get wings? then i use the “Marty (mouseover)” on the whole group and spam it?
is it suppose to do some AOE heals on its own? cause im not getting anthing AOE heals
I’ve noticed something with these macros ever since 7.2 came. When I mouseover my party frames to heal, spamming the macros doesn’t always work, I literally have to click on each person and then spam the macro while I mouseover. Is anyone else seeing this happening? I use ElvUI now (was using gUI before, so I stopped because I thought it might be that), but its happening all the time. Can anyone confirm then that it might work better with GRID, etc? Any help/info is appreciated.
[quote quote=47927]Jason,
I’ve noticed something with these macros ever since 7.2 came. When I mouseover my party frames to heal, spamming the macros doesn’t always work, I literally have to click on each person and then spam the macro while I mouseover. Is anyone else seeing this happening? I use ElvUI now (was using gUI before, so I stopped because I thought it might be that), but its happening all the time. Can anyone confirm then that it might work better with GRID, etc? Any help/info is appreciated.
I have used GRID and it works. Also I’ve just updated the macro.
[quote quote=47922]can someone explain the “MartyWrath” im must be dumb cause i cant seem to get this to work.
what is it suppose to do?
i pop it and i get wings? then i use the “Marty (mouseover)” on the whole group and spam it?
is it suppose to do some AOE heals on its own? cause im not getting anthing AOE heals
I have changed up the macro and removed martywrath. Try the new updated macros I just posted. Should be alot easier.
Thanks Jason,
I will give these macros a go in some dungeons and report back. I will also install GRID for my healer and use that instead see if that gives me a better experience. Your original macros were great, can’t wait to see how the new one does
- Aitrus
Just did a +6 with no problems!
A little different than the old one, but I like it!
I’m 897 ilvl btw
Hello all, just to let you know the only macro i have needed to use is Marty in dungeons, pvp and / or raids. This macro is so powerful that I don’t even use flash of light on other players other than myself during blessing of sacrifice. I have heard of some of you talking about the targeting issue, which is a non-issue if you configure your healing add-on correctly which are pretty much all the same with a twist here and there. For Vuhdo, go to spell tab - misc - miscellaneous - click target = target the unit you are healing. I am pretty sure Grid and Healbot have the same configuration, but maybe not in the same area. I dinged my Pally 110 (try to remember all the things in between just to get to an ilevel high enough), 3 days latter under 850 ilevel I got the achievement for completing all Heroics, been top healer or close to it in every battleground and did a couple of the pug raids with same result. I have all but forgotten that flash of light or any other spell less Tyr with a cast time exists.
Just saying that for me this macro changed everything about pally healing and no dis to the *.light healers, but I love the heck out of healing on the run and can’t wait to see how this pans out in mythic’s.
P.S. I did add a line here and there and I recommend this line for judgements.
/cast [harm] [@targettarget, nodead, exists] [@focus, nodead, exists] [@focustarget, nodead, exists] Judgment; Judgment
That’s awesome, I haven’t had a chance yet today to mess with it, definitely looking forward to taking it into mythics as well. Had a question, I know sometimes when I am running with a tank that can self heal I am standing around a lot. What is the recommendation for doing damage while waiting to heal people? Also, I have the legendary that increases healing for when Judgement is on the target, the line you put above for Judgement where would that go in the Marty macro? Or were you saying that should be a separate macro?
- Aitrus
For DPS, I’m using the following GSE2 macro slightly modified from another thread in this forum.
Sequences[‘hDPS’] = {
– This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.0.14.
Author=“Xäphan@Tarren Mill”,
Talents = “1 2 2 1 2 2 1”,
Helplink = “7.1.5 - Healing Macros (GSE2) - Patch 7.0+ - WoW Lazy Macros”,
Help = “Holy DPS”,
MacroVersions = {
[1] = {
StepFunction = “Priority”,
“/targetenemy [noharm][dead]”,
“/cast Hammer of Justice”,
“/cast Holy Shock”,
“/cast Judgment”,
“/cast Consecration”,
“/cast Crusader Strike”,
“/cast Consecration”,
“/cast Judgment”,
“/cast Holy Shock”,
“/cast [combat] Divine Protection”,
“/cast [combat] Avenging Wrath”,
CJ thanks for this inforamtion. I followed your instructions and now i can heal like i know what im doing in a bg lol. I do have 1 issue though. I can heal others but cant seem to heal myself at all. Once the enemy finds out im healing they want me dead quickly and I am dead very quickly lol. The self heal macro doesnt seem to work at all for me.