old saying … if it aint broke dont fix it… while the new site format is pretty…it is much more non-functional for searching information for upgraded , changed, new macros. I liked the old format where you could go to a class build spec and they would all be outlined according to latest postings … these seem to be much more jumbled and more clicking to get to where you want to go… I will adapt but just dont like it as much as the older, easier navigation was…
That’s why we put a new one, it broke sorry… Now is fixed
well i was getting the updates on all classes … ( i have a mere 12 toons all carrying each build )and being able to peruse, find macro updates was a lot easier. Im sure something must have been broken if you say so…im just saying the indexing class format was easier for me to search, find and read new macro or changed updates than the new now… to each their own i guess. and im not really of the belief that my dislike is gonna influence things one way or another as it is what it is. just voicing my feeling of content. . thanks … happy trails
for me was much better the old one, thx
Yes its quite a drastic change at first but the old site (Wordpress) wasn’t really a ‘true’ forum software and this is much more future proof and is a real forum software and i’m sure over time people will realise that it was for the better.
it’s still easy to search for macro’s by class, you just have to take like 2 seconds and click Categories on the first page. Once you have done that it goes to the view you like
Is there still work to do? Probably but that’s where site owner needs suggestions and then he can see if its possible when he has the time. If people don’t suggest things and just say I don’t like it then don’t be shocked if the site remains as is.
Say what you like or don’t like and what you would like to see/change and help improve things.
thanks spoony for the constructive advice…didnt know that was there… should make it easier for me…cheers…
i’ll start it off with a suggestion, will it be done i’m not sure if its possible or the dev has the time. It also probably not high on his list as it’s not a ground breaking fix/bug.
- For me I would like the first page be set to this page, categories, as its the page people are used to seeing
- Once on that page I would like to the spec tags above the patch versions, just looks better imo
- Redo the patch versions so they are not showing as a sub-forum, instead just call the forum ‘Archive’ and once inside that forum then the patch versions are set up.
As I said only if people contribute ‘Constructively’ will things get looked at and I know the site owner is very busy with his job and family etc so I am not expecting this to be done urgently, if its possible that is.
These are all constructive ideas and would benefit using the new format. I fully realize the hard work and time that went into this remodeling project and dont mean to take anything away from that monstrous effort. Everything is there, however: it just seems a little convoluted and due to the scope of the content seems to be scattered and difficult to find. Im not suggesting a massive rewrite…just maybe some itemizations and and index clarification. Mostly cuz i guess I am lazy. lol. I cannot give enough KUDOS to all the devs and authors and my admiration for any of them and their hard work. One of my favorite things about Mr. Lake and his invention in this site is the fact it has always been a podium for everyone and their efforts… the initiate and the experienced professionals that take care of the rest of us that dont have the capability or knowledge to do what they do. TO ALL i would say THANK YOU.