One button macro for Demo

UPDATE: 1/6/2020
Haven’t used Demonology much since learning i could get bigger numbers from Affliction. That said, I have completely reworked my demonology spec and macro. Those of you who may have been using the old one may want to give this one a shot. Feedback always welcome, enjoy!

dyeyfaGiPuAuIkLtjQKMLuHBjLi7Ie9lrvddvQJHulds9mHOPHk5AiPSnuvFtkACIkohsQwNuQmqPu1brfAHqKhIkyIOIUOurBuQuFukbJuQsNuiSsOkVukjZuuP6MqvTti5NsvmuKKwQujpLktfvzRsjQVkLuNvkfVfj6Uqu7vYGvDyelgcpwWKfQltSzOYNfsJwuonvTArL41iHzdLBts7gLFdmCs44svz5K65GMoLRlY2LQQVJK48sH1lLq7x5IU4vOOlhNDIFpO6KJU20tU3tl0Mcf6Ix54rWeMblxK00OJKMUC9kykkxpmzhrYmaBNtrfWayGOn2vjbnq5WB4rPlZJZqExfeVJdO3deO5zr35uubmeamBNkzcB3B7k0Gau5WJsoyAmK3Xb07bc08SO7rOQada9aMYHhsEmbgajDuzhjGkcrd3deOb3PS9HKgc0iVdb7iKDysl7gypJ0VS3aK07HKgc07kiAkK4Dq)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(DSJMpxCtTMDStZn1OBYvHcD5YhiqBNFo8lurwU8bc02PS9HKgc0iVJMFt000fkUkx(abA7OPoF0CNt54P9mkeJUqQC9kK4cr5qjbkkeLdjbZkeLRlplkDHOCufan8jbnO4vw5AL0GQAbclEfk6YLpqG2oLmGcXqENMgDon5UqHUC5deOTtPkiUDWmpod5D085IUzofQilx(abA7uQcIBxW0yiVttD(OB2SSY1kPrxcMqGsXRSYXt7zuig6cPY5mrr3jwW8aw5CsFjHzEcw54aqfbXkKkhv1c(KGgu8ku0LlFGaT9COEt(8lRCD5zrrxikRSY5uiHi4SqHMp)YXXKLb0LRlafgX8LdFclrWIGzIUFHzEaRqQSYQcUsage Information
One button Demonology macro.

[Shift] mod for casting Demonbolt when it procs.
[Ctrl] for casting Implosion.
Bilescourge Bombers casts [@cursor] so be sure to have your cursor parked over the bad guys.
Summon Demonic Tyrant left out of macro for optimal manual use.
Most of the talent choices are passive. It does use Soul Strike. Meant to be used with Felguard (Wrathguard if glyphed) and its abilities on auto-cast. Will auto summon demon if it dies.
Heart Essence is not built in because i use Focused Azerite Beam which is channeled and prefer to use manually. If you prefer to use another essence like Concentrated Flame, just add the line “/cast Heart Essence” minus the quotes at the bottom of the Sequence section.

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.4.25.

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finally have my really old warlock restored (used him when destro was a thing back in wotlk) and loved this macro gonna play around with it for a while!

works perfectly! Thanks

How fast do u use it?

Simple answer. Take your in game latency and add 10ms. My in game ping/latency is 72ms, so I run any macro at 82ms.

I use a Logitech G910 keyboard with the Logitech gaming software, I was testing it between 50 and 150 ms, but Austin Smith’s response is a very good starting point if not more than likely the best for you on your rig and isp. As with all the macros you’ll find on this website, no one macro will work best for everyone. There are just too many variables between internet service speeds, computer capabilities, and personal preference on settings, addon usage, etc etc.

I am very glad that those of you who are using my macro are finding it adequate for what you’re using it for. Now that i know people are actually using it, i’ll do my best to keep it up to date and working, as well as checking back more regularly.

I removed the line --/targetenemy [noharm][dead] but it is still attacking automatic…
Any idea?

I just took the click at Use/Head and worked…

what is your ahk settings to use the modifier in shift

First, make sure that the shift key is unbound in the keybinding settings.

After that, if you’re using an auto fire software, you should only need to hold the shift key down when Demonbolt procs. I leave the Demonbolt spell on an action bar slot so i can easily see when it has procced (lights up with a flashing gold/yellow border by default). If you’re manually pressing an action bar slot that has the macro assigned, then you’ll need to hold shift and press that key to fire Demonbolt.

Made some changes to the macro after getting my warlock to 120 and running dungeons etc. Updated the OP. Let me know what you guys think.


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If anyone is still running this macro or at least checked it out after the update, any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Hi, I have been using this one, to get to 120 and then do world quests etc. It works really well, I bind it to 1 and keep demon bolt on 2, tyrant on 3. Been thinking about removing Bilescourge Bombers though and replacing with the Pet buff, Only because the mobs always seem to move out of the AOE lol.

awesome macro man!
must 18k in dps i ILVL400!!!