Opening macro

Hello folks. Im a little bit older player and i cud use a god opening macro for sv and bm. Sadly usely when the fight start im getting nerves activating RF to soon after readiness forgetting stampede those kind of things.
After the starts ( 20 sec ) have np whit mine rotation. noticed self how much dps im losing becose all those sill misstakes :=(
Anyone here cud post a god opening macro for the 1st 30 sec or so ?

Regards Jetlimaster

Hello Istvan, an idea is that you can keep a separate macro for cooldowns as your opening and spam it to make them all go out at once and then reset with a modifier alt/ctrl/shift for Readiness. It would look like this:

/cast [mod,combat] Readiness
/castsequence [combat] reset=0.5 0,0,0,0,A Murder of Crows
/castsequence [combat] reset=0.5 0,0,0,Dire Beast
/castsequence [combat] reset=0.5 0,0,Stampede
/castsequence [combat] reset=0.5 0,Rapid Fire
/use [combat] 13
/use [combat] 14

Just spam it for a couple of seconds and then after you see Rapid Fire is gone then hold a modifier + click to reset all cooldowns and then spam it again for couple of seconds to cast all the spells again.

Hopefully this helps you until anyone can give you a better solution.

Och this is what im was thinking great help. it is a weary god start. prob much better then a castsekvence macro. any chance you can make 1 for BM opening too ? im really crap understanding who to make a macro :=(

Hello again, I believe you can use the same macro for BM also. It is recommended to not use Bestial Wrath and Rapid Fire at the same time, stacking both provides no benefit. Best thing is to keep Bestial Wrath as an extra cooldown after you have burned all of these twice.

If you have chosen a different talent other than A Murder of Crows, just replace the name with the spell you have chosen from that tier of talents.