Orbalisk’s - Mythic+ for Mythic+ v. 2.7 (Updated 03/01/25)

I can always make a tab for a specific build setup. Just toss me the builds and what I need to focus uptime on and I’ll spend the time to make it work.

You do great work. Thank you. May I ask what talents you’re using?

Sorry, oversight on my part. I added it to the OP. <3

You’re the man. Thanks!

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Much appreciated. Just slapped target dummies a bit on beta to test the new work and its looking good. esp with the stats skew given we i have like a30% drop in haste currently.

The ST build including colossus hero talents is likely to be something along these lines,


The uptime on things doenst change at all. just 1 extra button every 45 seconds. Demolish.
the ability is usable whilst still blocking parrying etc but it is a 2 sec channel

Is that something you’re going to want spammed on cooldown or as a modifier activation?

Are you rooted during the channeling or can you move?

Full movement is allowed and youll wanna hit it on cd generally, its more of a ST raid setup than an aoe/m+ though it can work for both. In aoe youd prob want it on a modifier though but i change your modifiers around to suit my personal taste anyway :slight_smile:

I’ll work on this over the weekend. :smiley:

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Added the Demolish auto cast and manual setups to the macro. Versions 3 and 4. Also made all skills by spellid to aid in regional clients understanding the macro better.

Please test them out as much as you can, feedback is always welcomed. I ran a few heroic dungeons and did fantastic, but I don’t have gear for mythic this season on my warrior.


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Again, much appreciated for all of your hard work. I look forward to testing the new changes.

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legend! ill give beta a try over the weekend to see how it does <3

Works a treat man nice one, i dunno if its a haste thing atm with skewed stats but seems to totally work better on the modifier.
I took pummel off the mod and disabled the TR block, then have TR on alt, Ravager on CTRL and Demolish on Shift just my preference of the modifiers.

Using this too level with and it works like a charm even at level 30

Are you talking about Version 3/4 - Demolish? I can work on it if the auto-version isn’t up to par.

Yeah i was.
Leave it atm its hard to tell when on beta only having 11% haste. Compared to the 40% you have on retail things fire alot smoother.
No point editong stuff if with stat chnages it fires fine.

I have t.roar on a mod which is also a 45 sec cd so might just be better playing it as a mod key

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Thanks for your macros and it works very well!

about impending victory, if i wanna cast it manually, what should i do? i think manual is better than auto :grinning:

I cant remember if its in a block woth anything else. But if its just on its own woth the modifiers you can just disable the block.

If its in a sequence just remove it, and if that sequence then only leaves 1 ability change to /cast rather than /castsequence

Just make sure you do it on each of the varients you use and have selected on configuration page.

In block path 1.6, towards the bottom you’ll see:

/castsequence [combat] Shield Slam, Impending Victory

Please replace it with this to manually cast Impending Victory:

/cast [combat] Shield Slam

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Leveled to 80 not a problem with the macro demolish is op it was way faster than guardian druid and about to start on 3rd 80 with paladin once you get a route down i can do 80 in about 5hrs

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I’m still leveling my paladin, but I’ll hop on my warrior later this week to knock out the levels. Just doing all of the quests for now. Thanks for letting me know how prot warrior is performing. I can’t wait to play it.