prot went from 480 - 560 without any dungeons
im currently 4 tanks down to 80. about 3 and half hours in dungeon spam.
@Orbalisk I know you are leveling ans stuff mate but this may benefit from another few blocks in with another TC and SS possibly only to catch some of the resets. still early to tell with stats and stuff dying so quickly but ill keep you updated on my findings and trials when we get to thinks being alive
I’m going to level my warrior through tanking this week and make adjustments. Thank you.
sweet if you want me to take a look or help get data happy to assist
hi can i use this with Mountain Thane hero talent ?
I’m actually leveling by dungeon spamming using Mountain Thane. Works really well.
I’m testing out a new sequence trying to maximize uptime of ignore pain. Please let me know how it works for you and what changes I should make. (version 1.5)
It also seems that Mountain Thane uses Champion’s Spear instead of Thunderous Roar.
Top talents on Murlok don’t have Champions Spear.
I always use the for builds as those are practical applications that really work well. You can use Champions Spear i you’d like by replacing that block or adding another one. I don’t lock any of my macros so that people can tailor them to their own playstyles.
@Orbalisk I absolutely love your macro. However I am having a weird issue and I cant figure it out. I can use it flawlessly on the test dummies. The issue is I get into a dungeon and it stops working. It gets caught up on thunder stomp and I look like I am doing the captain morgan. Teleport out of the dungeon back on test dummies and no issues. The only error I get is “unrecognized macro option defensive stance”. Any ideas? I have deleted and reimported the macro. It only has the issue in dungeons/delves/old raids. Its like the zoning causes the issue.
loving the new version, revenge on manual is a massive change, rage seems topped up very well, only change I made is swapping shift from pummel to revenge, blasting through heroics effortlessly. Extremely good macro, please keep it going
I haven’t seen this at all, but I’ll look into it. Thats a really specific error that shouldn’t happen.
I don’t believe I have Defensive Stance in the macro anywhere, but I’ll check.
Thank you! I’m debating replacing pummel with revenge in the macro going forward, and am really happy with the rage flow now. It’s definitely been some major adjustments as new talents were introduced.
For sure, done countless heroics today with it, getting 1.5-1.6m sustained, ignore pain seems 110% uptime, shield block never seems to be wasted either, but i would definitely move towards revenge on shift, pummel was very nice before as it was smooth for shift and ctrl stops, havent compared damage output between champions spear and thunderous roar but icy veins seems to have BiS slot suggestions already for pre season, so im not too sure which talent tree to follow, just being a sheep and made a [@cursor] champion spear macro
i tried put revenge back on auto but i end it up, speding too much rage, on version 1.4, it was not that much, maybe i did something wrong
You can’t have revenge just cast. I can add a version to 1.8 that’ll include revenge for those that want it. The problem is that sometimes it starves you a bit and you drop ignore pain/shield block uptime which can lead to wipes.
uptime in 1,4 on ignore pain and shield block is pretty high
I added back a version with Revenge, it’ll be Sequence 5. I gave it some testing but if you could run some dungeons and give me feedback I’d appreciate it.
tried 1.6 version 5 on heroic rn, and you are correct it spends too much rage on revenge, the sweet spot for me on revenge auto is 1.4 version 1, it is my favorite so far, thanks for the replys man!
1.4 version 1 for me uses the right amount of revenges, uses it on procs and a bit more to not cap rage on giga pulls.
ive got 3k on DF season 4 using your macro, youre the best
Yeah i went back to 1.4 i feel it seems alot more fluid and balanced but i prefer colossus over thane .