[OUTDATED] Abby and Andrew's ST/MT Sub Rogue

Not a bad macro for Sub, lvl’d my Rogue to 120 with it (but that’s not saying much). There seems to be something off in the spender, I sit there with 6 combo points and my addons are telling me to Eviscerate, yes, there are issues with our energy (and maybe that’s the whole problem) so it seems that something is off on the Combo spending, 9/10 times when I do the Eviscerate, the mobs dies instantly.

Also, Nightblade seems slow to fire off most times.

So as I said, for a Sub Rogue, this is probably the best macro but I feel like its so so close to being great if not perfect, just some tweaks.

Hope you and Andrew can take a look at this soon, I’v kind of committed to playing Sub, so its the top macro for me.

I’m running this at 50ms, Crit 16%, Hast 6%, Mastery 36% and Vers. @5%

Pete Misc try running it 75 its better for me atleast

50 is pretty low, I tried making it as fast as possible but I ultimately had to stick around 75 for things to work more smoothly and not entirely waste energy.

So, as I’ve said a few times, this macro isn’t going to be worked on until after the massive patch that they’ll have AFTER the first couple weeks of raid - primarily because I can still play manually better than GSE performs at the moment due to sticking.

To solve the eviscerate issue now, I would add a modifier for it so that you can control it more rapidly and not sit on combo points.

/cast [mod:alt] Eviscerate

Change alt to shift or ctrl if you don’t want alt.

AllFather, Abby, I tried the 75, 100, and even 35, main difference was a slight increase in initial burst damage on the 35ms but overall, 50ms gives me a steady ~6.5k sustain rate dmg and in dungeons I cant always count on “rest” to get that high burst.

So, for now I’m going to stick with 50, it seems that the issue is the same regardless of speed, is’s energy and timing of the other spells.

Seems we Rogues really have an energy problem but Blizz knows best (and we cant do anything about it).

I played Assa and Outlaw previously and they had somewhat the same issue, the key for Sub is to kill that mob fast so we don’t run out of energy.

Thanks for the input, we will see in a Month or so how things shape up.

oh, all most forgot, I thought the following “reset” did not work in GSE:
/castsequence [stealth][stance:1/2/3] reset=5 Shadowstrike, Shadowstrike, Shadowstrike, Eviscerate

[quote quote=64346]AllFather, Abby, I tried the 75, 100, and even 35, main difference was a slight increase in initial burst damage on the 35ms but overall, 50ms gives me a steady ~6.5k sustain rate dmg and in dungeons I cant always count on “rest” to get that high burst.
So, for now I’m going to stick with 50, it seems that the issue is the same regardless of speed, is’s energy and timing of the other spells.
Seems we Rogues really have an energy problem but Blizz knows best (and we cant do anything about it).
I played Assa and Outlaw previously and they had somewhat the same issue, the key for Sub is to kill that mob fast so we don’t run out of energy.
Thanks for the input, we will see in a Month or so how things shape up.
oh, all most forgot, I thought the following “reset” did not work in GSE: /castsequence [stealth][stance:1/2/3] reset=5 Shadowstrike, Shadowstrike, Shadowstrike, Eviscerate[/quote]

Use whatever you’re getting the best DPS out of. I don’t know the math behind why sometimes someone with the same primary or secondary stats are performing higher than others, latency depending or not… but, I’ve learned that everyone has a preference to various speeds. 75ms fixes a lot of problems, energy problems specifically, for a lot of people. Personally, I switch between 50-90ms.


Yes, Rogues are in a very difficult with energy right now. The only way I’ve found a solution to this is stacking an incredible amount of Haste at the expense of losing overall damage.

The downside is that Sub Rogues are easily the top performing DPS spec right now and this could interfere with the way that blizzard interacts with general Rogue changes. I fear that they may ignore needed Rogue changes due on the outstanding performances. We’ll see, I suppose.

As for “reset” lines, I have no idea. I’ve seen various claims from numerous mods and it’s never the same. I left it in because it did do something once upon a time, and the entirety of GSE has been performing well below what it did pre-launch, so I plan on leaving it in per the event that GSE get’s fixed and it helps macros from sticking so often.

Newb question…just wanted to know…if a macro says to run it at 50ms… thats .0.050 on Razer Synapse macro settings correct? Can I not run it faster as long as it doesn’t lock up?

You can run it as fast or as slow as you like. It really is a personal thing. What slows you down is global cooldowns, and your latency. But to answer your question. Yes.

I knew a druid that was top 5 on her server and just used mouse clicks. Man it was annoying to listen to on discord.

As requested by some of you here is a ST version of this macro. I had this on the radar after speaking with Abby in game the other day but was working on my outlaw macro. Any issues let me know and i’ll take a look at them. Make note of the first tier of talents being different After many many sims it is a dps increase for me at least to take weaponmaster.

dy0ydaqEfK1Riv7xyavrAjrrzwGSlQOgxue)IidJO6yuSmO6zk10uHHMsCnLSnukFdkmof6COI1ruUhukgivehekLwiusMOcyJqj1hrbmsuqDsuiVefvZefPBQi2jO(juQmufOLIc1tHmvv0wrb6yrjSwOu1Bj4UOQ9I8xOenyrhwYIvPEmWKvqDzP2SIKpJIy0uHJUiLxJIYSvu3MkTBQ63uA4OuDCuslNqpxvtN01vjBhkQonQ04rbzFrrAYqNeSHqtWEgJDmawIojyC6KqN1C71NqMno(2GtOb6PQRzLGneIH7z2jK70fTmjY)6oYY2o7SZrIXY9je2EPoSIeIfmJfmHfSyAoLfm1jy1Cby2dkrcHyVbmAacgNndHMuarld2IpxR)Ptc2qNeSHqsG61ifaw37sHI81YdAzY5J0GBoWWqW4escuV(nRxTh0rk4TV21S6akYxlpOLjNpY1gkY1gksdN1XchkY1gkY1gksdh2gnCGICTj4nHKa1RFZ6v7bDKcV21S6Gx41YdAzgjCPnFKI93k2SImsZ46ypcfPzCDShHI0mUo2JqrA4W2OHdbFqijq9AKcaR7DPqr(A5bTm58rIpkhddhcErijq963SE1EqhPG3(AxZQdOiFT8GwMC(ixBOixBOinCwhlCcXuRLDMY1LRsOnHyEpeJ75U(MojydHKa1RrkaSU3LYh5KsKz9WroLvmYb6sDqW4escuVgPaW6ExkFK4gC8XnPecPn7y9LhOCTEcHAwVAVYTMjeZ7HguS)NojydHK0sKjT2(2DOif8whLOlVWWDnmpbJtijq9AKcozkl46HAgI7RpFKlm4Spi4nHKa1Rrk4TV21S6aYBbw37s5J0GX4bbFqijq9AKcaR7DPqr(A5bTm58rAgxBZMucnOypPaIw6KGnescuVgPG3cSU3LYh5MT16GGXjKeOEnsbG19UuOiFT8GwMC(ixBsj0G2xNuarlDskPKsOjL)QMzKxBrmV9kxRNUjLuIaUsage Information
mzrog sub ST… 75ms

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.3.07.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro: Shadowstep, Backstab

KeyPress: Stealth, Shadow Dance, Tricks of the Trade

Main Sequence: Shadow Blades, Eviscerate, Nightblade, Secret Technique, Backstab, Shadowstrike

KeyRelease: Symbols of Death

August 29 2018 - Removed crimson vial, updated OP.

Burst AOE 39-42K
Sustained AOE 17K
Single burst - 21K
Single sustained - 16K

Doing #1 in raid damage in Heroic.

Anyway of putting a cheap shot into this build for pvp purposes?

Add this to keypress

/cast [stealth] Cheap Shot

That’ll open with cheap shot, you can throw it on a modifier if you want control of it.

I’m unsure if this is supposed to be blowing through all 3 shadow dances and just shadowstriking through the entirety of all 3 shadow dances without using evis or nightblade, but that’s what it is doing for me. If that isn’t what it’s supposed to do, what am I doing wrong, thanks

Yes. It’s obviously going to do that when it’s in main sequence. If you want to control it, remove it and place it on a modifier.

Will this recieve an update, or is no update needed?
And if not, what macro is Abby using currently?

It hasn’t been updated in a while as I’m not playing Rogue right now and haven’t talked to Andrew in just as long.

I’m currently playing Monk and Demon Hunter, while that might change in 8.1, I currently have no plans to update it until sometime within that patch (didn’t want to put the effort until the new traits are out). I do believe it’s still operable, but it’s by no means optimized around primary Rogue traits.

Haven’t even seen you on in a good while Abby, I have to say sub hasn’t been a priority for me as I really don’t play it much. As Abby already said maybe in 8.1 once new traits are out we can have another look at this. If I get time before then maybe i’ll take a look but I really doubt it tbh.

I’ve been out of the country for work the last month, I should be returning sometime in mid-late December. I’ve only played Rogue about 10 hours at the most this patch. Haven’t decided if I’ll swap the Demon Hunter out for it in 8.1 - waiting to see what significant changes are made.

Is this to be ran Priority or Sequentially?

how come I cannot see the macros?