OUTDATED - AOTB Macro (using Qa'Pla Boots) for 7.3

Hi Gween. I decided to go down the route of more mastery. Can I still use the macro? Boots dropped for me last night , or will I need to get more crit? Also to change your macro to version 2 , do I just go into gsse in gamer and change all the options to 2?Thanks

I am loving this macro I was going to ask about splitting but found the problem I was having and have fixed it



How many MS per second? i try 75MS Sek.

Anyone have good numbers on how AOTB build works with Qa’Pla Boots and Apex Predator’s claw together?

Wow, thanks for your effort to write all that. Awesome macro :slight_smile:


The macro is pretty close to optimal for a variety of stat stacking and talent options. There are choices for those using the boots and those not using the boots, and those who don’t want modifiers.

Not every variable is covered, but most are or can be done with some minor adjustments. I have tested with a wide variety of gear, with set pieces and without, various legendaries and talents.

I can put on a gear set that is heavy mastery or heavy, change talents to use Dire Frenzy or Stomp, AMOC or Volley, Dire Stable or WOTC and the macro remains optimal. The main choice to make is whether you are using the boots (so use Tab 1) or not (so use Tab 3). To make this adjustment change the dropdowns in the Configuration tab to use the preferred macro tab.


In all honesty, there are far too many variables to give am absolute answer. My biggest struggle is to find the ‘best’ gear configuration. Its not always clear what is ‘best’, and whatever you choose isn’t likely ‘best’ for all cases. This is the reason I have a bank filled with gear to I can constantly switch stuff around and see what works for me.


I generally recommend something like 2-3 times your ping. My ping is around 36 and I use 100ms. Even 120-125 works better than 50-75 from my testing.


Hi Gween. Is there anyway of adding a modifier to fire off Ice trap? Thanks

Hi Gween

I’m currently using a Razer Naga mouse using 0.050 seconds are you saying change it to 0.120?

I have a ping of around 42



[quote quote=54669]Hi Gween. Is there anyway of adding a modifier to fire off Ice trap? Thanks

He has used up the most common modifiers unless you decide to go with a combination alt+ctrl mod or something along those lines or a Ralt vs Lalt mod (I have been meaning to test to see if those types of variants work on the mods with GSE but sadly have not had the time). I’d say if that does not work then you have 2 options:

  1. replace one of the modifiers already used with a /cast [<insert desired modifier>,@cursor] Ice Trap
  2. place a /cast [@cursor] Ice Trap on a separate button and mash it when you want to use it. You should be able to bully your way into the spam. (That’s what I do FYI)

[quote quote=54672]I’m currently using a Razer Naga mouse using 0.050 seconds are you saying change it to 0.120?

I have a ping of around 42[/quote]

Yes, you might be surprised that it works more efficiently.

Yes and no.

[quote quote=54673]1. replace one of the modifiers already used with a /cast [<insert desired modifier>,@cursor] Ice Trap
2. place a /cast [@cursor] Ice Trap on a separate button and mash it when you want to use it. You should be able to bully your way into the spam. (That’s what I do FYI)[/quote]

Darkonius is basically correct. You can’t combine modifiers though. If you hit CTRL and ALT while the macro is running it will use both of those modifiers individually, which would basically replace Cobra Shot with Multi-Shot and cast ‘Revive Pet’. CTRL + ALT isn’t a separate modifier, it is two modifiers.

I don’t include Ice Trap or Tar Trap in the macro because they are on the GCD. Abilities like Counter Shot and Binding Shot are not so are easy to include. Ice Trap can be added, but as Darkonius said, you would have to replace something else.

I also use separate macros for traps. Specifically, I use /stopcasting macros to ‘bully’ those abilities in while the macro is running.


Thanks Gween

I’ll try that later


Hi Gween. Thanks for the response, so I would write a macro like this /stopcasting [@cursor] Ice Trap. Is that correct? And then assign it to a key. Thanks

My macro looks like this:

/cast [@player] Freezing Trap

You can change the @player to @cursor.

Hello Gween! I’m not able to import the first tab of your great macro. It works if I import all three tabs. Don’t I just need the first tab and it will work? Or do I take all three tabs. Thanks for all you do! :slight_smile:

Import the macro.
select the macro
click EDIT
highlight the tab you DON’T want
the unwanted macro tab should be gone
repeat until you are left with the tab you want.
go to the CONFIGURATION tab
ensure that the drop-downs are pointing to the correct tab and is not blank
SAVE the macro


Thanks Gween for these macros you have been creating for us.

I regularly out-perform most hunters and most everyone in my raid groups using these macros. I also parse in the 95%+ range while using these macros.

These work. Thanks a bunch.

[quote quote=54722]Thanks Gween for these macros you have been creating for us.
I regularly out-perform most hunters and most everyone in my raid groups using these macros. I also parse in the 95%+ range while using these macros.
These work. Thanks a bunch.

How are you getting 95s? Best I get is 80 with this macro. I normally get legendary parses just playing by myself, though can’t get it with this.

Unless you are doing Normals, then yeah it makes sense.