OUTDATED BM Macros 12/11/2017

Why not? Nothing wrong with a healthy debate. As long as everyone involved can rationally justify their positions. It is a learning experience for all.

I don’t disagree with this. My point is that the difference between AMOC and Volley on single target is actually very small. If Volley is only a tiny bit worse on single target and a clear winner on 2 or more targets, and assuming we are not able to switch talents for every boss fight, than Volley is the clear overall winner. Volley can also be turned off if desired to free additional focus for a few extra Kill Commands and Cobra Shots. Although I haven’t specifically tested this to determine if this is actually better or not.

You said a lot that I didn’t quote, but I wanted to make clear that I am unconcerned about DPS on trash, nor am I concerned about DPS on targets which are not a threat. I often don’t run the macro on the trash before a boss to avoid placing things on cool-down for the boss fight itself. In my main macro, holding shift prevents AOTW and Blood Fury (Orc ability) from being cast, but I usually just manually use abilities without concern for my DPS and save everything for the boss.

I am not sure why you might think I was being one-sided. I am not dating Volley, I have no particular political ax to grind for Volley. I simply looked at the empirical evidence and made a determination that, overall, it is a superior talent. I have certainly acknowledged throughout all of my writings on the topic that AMOC is slightly better on single target or if you have a high (90+) mastery build.

And here is the crux of the matter. If you opt to spent the money to change your talents prior to every boss fight, then you can certainly configure yourself for the optimal DPS for each fight. My presumption however, is that MOST people will not do this. I certainly don’t. Even though I am quite wealthy in game, I have no wish to bear the cost nor the hassle of doing this. More power to this that do.

I still think you are making a mistake. The question you need to ask yourself is this: “Does this method improve my OVERALL DPS on this fight?”. Instead, you seem to be asking yourself: “Does casting this ability at this time improve my DPS during this specific, limited window of opportunity?”

Across a 10 minute fight, I am convinced that my method results in higher DPS. But I will also grant that the different is marginal, and perhaps even negligible. And if you are spending that much time and effort on something that provides negligible results at best, I think you are wasting your time. That said, it is your time to waste, and it is not my intentional to tell anyone how they should play.

The information I provide is intended as a general guide to those that need it. It is not a guide to min/maxing to the Nth degree for those seeking to eek out even the slightest increase in performance. While I do think my information (and macros) does result in some of the best performance available, I could not hope to custom optimize every individual hunter. So I strive to provide information that, generally, lifts all boats.


This has always been my point. If you are willing to invest what it costs for that 1%, more power to you. Generally though, it is not worth it.


@Gween love the non mod version, works perfect for me. I was wondering if you have seen any problem with the icon not cycling through abilities? Meaning when clicked it doesn’t change or look like it’s in use. What could cause that? I assume deleting the icon line of the macro maybe?

Again awesome macro, keep it up! ???

Gween I know you love to see your stuff up top but please refrain from posting same macros on different threads how about combining all of them into one like you did and delete the others that way people dont get confused on which ones to use. Merry Xmas!

Not my motivation. I am not running around bumping my threads seeking validation.

Posts like this make me regret investing myself into this community. I have done my level best to provide the best macros I can, along with helping everyone and everyone I could, not only here, but in-game as well. To have my motives maligned for my efforts is not pleasing.

I haven’t done this either. When I have a new version of a macro, I either update the existing thread or create a new one so the older one can die off. If you follow my threads and my macros I have tried doing this in different ways. I have tried creating separate threads for the different macros. I tried combining the macros into 1 larger macro with multiple tabs to cut down on multiple threads, but this proved too confusing for most people. So now I put all the macros into a single thread, separated by function.

There are a couple of problem about deleting threads. First, many contain not only macros but detailed answers to questions and theory-crafting that people might find useful (then again, maybe not). Second and more important, I don’t seem to have any functionality to delete my threads nor my individual posts.

Happy Holidays.


First of all, Gween, thank you so much for all the work you put into these, please know its much appreciated! I just wish you did ones for all the other classes lol

[quote quote=56336]@gween love the non mod version, works perfect for me. I was wondering if you have seen any problem with the icon not cycling through abilities? Meaning when clicked it doesn’t change or look like it’s in use. What could cause that? I assume deleting the icon line of the macro maybe?
Again awesome macro, keep it up! ???

Did you manage to figure out why this was happening? I’m currently leveling a Hunter using the latest macro and also getting this issue.

Yes, I know why this happens.

It is because there is lines in the ‘PreMacro’ section. If those lines are removed, the icon cycles as you might expect. Might require re-logging though.

IF there was a fix that didn’t require losing functionality I would apply it. Frankly I am not too worried about a visual aid that doesn’t even mean that much.


Just wanted to say thank you for the time and effort put into these, your GweenBM macro just destroyed what I had been using, keep up the great work!