OZY’S_BOOMY_ST (patch 9.0.1) you can easily push M+ keys up to 25+ or more

Hello, bored of feral, I would like to test your macro but it doesn’t seem to be working / up to date, is it? Thank you !

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/cast [@focus,dead] Rebirth

Hello, sit down what is this team

Macros your battle rez to your focus target. Set focus to your tank and if he dies you will rez him without even switching targets.

are there any updated vers on this one or its the current one the best one?

Wondering the same thing

TEST Macro: talents 1xxx221



Talents: 1XXX221

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.6.42.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Priority

KeyPress: Moonfire, Moonkin Form, Sunfire, Celestial Alignment, Rebirth

Main Sequence: Moonfire, Wrath, Sunfire, Starfire, Starsurge

KeyRelease: Starsurge

I just tested this with 206 ilvl gear and NF ablity on a raider test dummy for 5 mins and pulled 1.13M (3.7) DPS


well seems like u used very often starfall…what about single target?

Thought the same thing. Starfall will find other dummies close up

That’s coming from Convoke the Spirits - Spell - World of Warcraft. I let your Macro run(120 ms ) only casting this an trinkets on cooldown. To be clear I’m very happy with this macro was just posting numbers for people to see

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tbf although starfall pics up other dummys lets take that dmg out completly and he is still pulling well over 3k st


try running it without any buffs…no food…no flasks / potions…nothing extra…no convoke…just the macro itself and nothing else

Hello… I made a Druid, I use gse on my other 2 toons… works great,

On the Druid, I downloaded Druid file, go into game in chat bar the /gs , the window doesn’t open up.

Any ideas please

Your help would be really thoughtful

hey mate i didnt understand exactly issue…can u explain or send a picture?

It is /gse to being the menu up.

It is /gse to being the menu up. type /gs for menu.

Hey guys, quite new to Boomy and Druid in general. This is a Single Target Macro right? How would an AOE Macro look like? Is it just Starfall, that needs to be pressed? Sorry for the nooby question. Thanks for the help.

Would email be easier for you or here, yes I can send pictures…

Please if you would email me at hometown486@gmail.com

I really really appreciate your help in this matter is really got me puzzled

Thank you again so so much

Yes, that is the issue I’m having, comes up on my other toons, except for the Druid… am I missing a file with the Druid add on or something

Can u send picture in this site here? let the other players also check issue