May 22, 2020, 4:01pm
Hi guys , decided to make a feral macro and will need your suggestions
current “trial macro” and tests are as below;
Talents 2x3x323 This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.5.5.
Macro Version 1
Step Function: Priority
KeyPress: Prowl , Cat Form
Main Sequence: Swipe , Heart Essence , Rake , Feral Frenzy , Maim , Rip , Tiger’s Fury , Ferocious Bite , Thrash , Berserk , Shred
KeyRelease: Regrowth , Maim
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May 22, 2020, 4:55pm
Talents 2x3x323 This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.5.5.
Macro Version 1
Step Function: Priority
KeyPress: Prowl , Cat Form
Main Sequence: Swipe , Heart Essence , Rake , Feral Frenzy , Maim , Rip , Tiger’s Fury , Ferocious Bite , Thrash , Berserk , Shred
KeyRelease: Regrowth , Maim
Can’t wait to try this macro
I have been using elfyis and its been working great but my sim dps is almost the same as yours and i am nowhere near that dps. The AOE is insane tho…
Just a quick question… is it really Worth using maim in PVE? I see its ranked quite high in your sims…
And what MS are you using?
May 22, 2020, 5:42pm
hi this is trial version macro yet and not using ms setup…just default
Ok i see your dps just seem pretty high there compared to sim… Can’t wait to see where this one goes and the facts your using maim is new to med…
Good Luck mate and thanks for sharing
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This is a good macro. I’ve also been seeing a lot of other feral’s use Bloodtalons.
Low Level Druid - 83% of sim
Sim was set for 3mil with no additional buffs outside of bleed.
The opener is amazing! Damage spikes like crazy.
After the first set of focus dumps, (Ferocious Bite, Rip, Ferocious Bite) the macro seems to struggle for me. It liked to spam Thrash more than anything else. Rip would drop, and on 1 occasion Rake fell off as well. So I’m not entirely sure that’s optimal, but it could very well be due to the fact that I am lacking in the gear department and my stats are low. I will come back and re-test when I have more respectable gear.
Thank you!
Edited the macro a little bit. Put Rip on a shift modifier, and using Ferocious Bite manually.
98% of sim.
Edited Macro
Using Ozy’s Original macro, I also setup a blood talons setup as well.
Again, Sim was done with no buffs outside of bleeding, and setup for 3million hp.
93.8% of sim.
And the edited Ozy macro. I have Rip on a shift modifier, and manually casting Regrowth right before manually casting Ferocious Bite.
Again this is all based off of my low ilvl fresh druid.
Ozy, I apologize if I hijacked your thread. I do not want to take away from the amazing work you do here, so if I am out of line, I will be happy to remove my posts. Keep up the good work sir!
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May 23, 2020, 7:56pm
hey there thnx for your effort ,i dont call it as hijacked but i may change the name of macro like Depression’s Jungle you are welcome always
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it says unable to import macro
Odd, Just re-pulled it again. Let me know if this works for you please.
Yes it imported, thank you, i also took out feral frenzy and maim from ozy’s macro, and it works good still
Absolutely. Definitely one of the better Feral macros out there, in complete automation or otherwise IMO.
Let me know how your damage is, your ilvl is much better than mine, and would love to see how it works out for you.
Thanks Ozy, if this is your “trial” macro, can’t wait to see how this evolves. Working great so far.
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Hey Ozy, can you please do one with Primal Wrath?
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I tried this macro but not is firing off only rake
June 3, 2020, 10:34am
i am not at home yet,i will try when come back cya laters
Both of your Macros causing lockups … whats your MS at? Maybe I’m firing too fast… - was getting stuck until Feral Frenzy came off cool-down - removed it changed talent doesn’t lock up anymore