EDIT: Removed Cleave from the macro, as it was hanging up a little. I’m going to look at making an AoE Macro soon to implement it into. Also, I’ve noticed a little rage capping, so I’m testing out Sweeping Strikes over Dauntless and will let you know how it goes.
Hi Guys, long term user, first time posting!
I thought i’d give back to the community by sharing my Trauma/FoB macro, seeing most are Rend builds.
This seems to be working well at the moment, for general dungeons, leveling, questing etc
I’ve kept Warbreaker & Bladestorm on seperate keybinds, as I generally save them for AoE situations or if Colossus smash is on CD.
Also, Slam is not in the macro, as the “Fervor Of Battle” talent makes your whirlwinds do more dps than slam for single target.
I have Mortal Strike in front of Execute for now, due to Executioner’s Precision Artifact Talent. Which means when you cast Execute, your next MS will do 75% more damage when it comes off cooldown.
Let me know what you guys think and what I should change, cheers!
P.S = If you love Arms warriors and want to learn more! Check out the Arms Compendium! it’s got everything you need to know.
Here’s the Link:
Sequences['Ozzi-FoB-ST'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.06.
Talents = "1312122",
MacroVersions = {
[1] = {
StepFunction = "Priority",
"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
"/cast [combat] Battle Cry",
"/cast Colossus Smash",
"/cast Mortal Strike",
"/cast Execute",
"/cast Victory Rush",
"/cast Whirlwind",