Paladin protection simple but decent

Hello everyone!
I was playing around with my own macros for ret and prot and think I’ve found a good base for future perfection. There is still some room for perfection in spell priority, but as I have seen in mythics it performs very well.
Covenant ability is on manual cast because it is very situational. I have done only key 10 mythic with 175 ilvl prot pal and it went very well in terms of focusing on Avengers shield procs.
You can also put Shield of Righteous on a mod key or just add to the rotation, if you feel it casts too fast before applying legendary buff (if you use it).
version 17122020v2
AHK 20ms



Talents: 1132131

This macro contains 1 macro version. Эта последовательность была экспортирована из GSE 2.6.36.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Priority

Pre Macro: Освящение

KeyPress: Щит праведника, Освящение, Гнев карателя, Торжество

Main Sequence: Удар воина Света, Молот гнева, Щит мстителя, Правосудие

Feedback is appreciated.

Do you have an English version of this?

Not sure why it is not in English. If there is Russian language you can change it manually:
Освящение - Consecration
Клинок справедливости/Молот праведника/Благословенный молот - Crusader strike/Hammer of the Righteous/Blessed hammer
Щит праведника - Shield of the righteous
Торжество - Word of Glory
Молот гнева - Hammer of Wrath
Щит мстителя - Avenger’s shield
Правосудие - Judgement
Гнев карателя - Avenging Wrath

I think that’s all.
If there is setting for language conversion please help me with it.

Appreciate it and thank you if there’s a button for that I’d like to know as well lol