Pets and auto attack are pulling enemies that I don't want

I am using GSE and I have no idea How to edit macros. Or where to find them to edit them.
This is Elfyau BM hunter single target and AOE macros

You type /gse — the same thing you use to select a macro and the select the macro and hit the Edit button.

You have been given multiple different ways to solve it. No one can do this next part for you. You need to choose one and implement it.

Well if I had more specific instructions on how to fix this I would do it myself. I don’t know about GSC except how to import the macros that’s it

Just highlight the line (or any line that you want to remove) with your mouse kinda like copy and pasting and hit your enter button of the keyboard.

Or make sure the flashing cursor is at the end of the line and hit your back key on the keyboard like deleting ANYTHING in a typed format.

As for the Targeting issue the more you play and watch the Health of the mob(s) to nearly dead and if you have Barbed Shot on it/them it’ll die due to the dot from BS just click on your next mob.

It’ll get to be a “feeling” you’ll get on when to switch Targets.

I always watch the health and have been turning it off early but sometimes they are still targeting something else in the background or somewhere and the pets are going or even if I can stop the pets sometimes the auto shot pulls them is just really frustrating. I’ll have to try to figure out what line I’m supposed to get rid of again since there are so many responses I’m just not sure now.
I really do appreciate everyone’s help it’s just that they don’t understand how limited I am on my macro knowledge and GSE for that matter.

Dragon flight… I had just gotten turned on to this stuff right before launch. My friend told me to delete the last line of the macro but then other things weren’t working right so I just went back to it the way it was but I still need a fix for this problem or I’m gonna have to just go back to hitting keys again lol

it you select must have target it wont happen it used to happen to me all the time it auto selects the next closest but if u have it set to must have target it wont happen make sure u save after

Thank you!!! I was afraid to go raid because of this issue.