Hello all,
This is a great thread with some great macros. I am using these and literally am pulling the worst damage ever. I feel so bad as I know we can have a great high damage output especially with our aoe. Can someone help me out a little bit here with my pally macro’s I know something is not right, because I have raided with other pally’s about the same gear range and they are wiping the floor with me.
Current spec: 3,3,3,2,1,1
(MJ) Dazing Shield, Judgment, Harsh Words
Single Target
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,1,2,3,4,Hammer of Wrath
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,1,2,3,Holy Prism
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,1,2,Shield of the Righteous
/castsequence reset=0 5 0,1,Avenger's Shield
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,Holy wrath
/castsequence reset=9 Judgment,Crusader Strike,Consecration,Sacred Shield
/cast Holy Avenger
/cast Avenging Wrath
Aoe Target
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,1,2,3,4,Hammer of Wrath
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,1,2,3,Holy Prism
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,1,2,Shield of the Righteous
/castsequence reset=0 5 0,1,Avenger's Shield
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,Holy wrath
/castsequence reset=9 Judgment,Hammer of the righteous,Consecration,Sacred Shield
/cast Holy Avenger
/cast Avenging Wrath
I would really appreciate some help with this. Thank you all.