[quote quote=12840]I have been messing around and looking at other peoples macros and have settled with this one
/console Sound_EffectSFX 0
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,0,0,Hammer of Wrath
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,0,Execution Sentence
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,Shield of the Righteous
/castsequence reset=0 5 0,0,Avenger's Shield
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,Holy wrath
/castsequence reset=9 Judgment,Hammer of the righteous,Consecration,Sacred Shield
/cast [combat] Holy Avenger
/cast [combat] Avenging Wrath
/use 13
/use 14
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
/console Sound_EffectSFX 1
the only thing you need to change is HotR and Crusader Strike depending on Single or AoE. If anyone can make it better please post
Try this. This is a single macro based off your Macro. Haven’t done much testing but hopefully it’ll help. Of course all credit for this macro goes to Chris
/console Sound_EffectSFX 0
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,0,0,Hammer of Wrath
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,0,Execution Sentence
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,Shield of the Righteous
/castsequence reset=0 5 0,0,Avenger's Shield
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,Holy wrath
/castsequence reset=9 Judgment,Crusader Strike,Consecration,Sacred Shield
/cast [combat] Holy Avenger
/cast [combat] Avenging Wrath
/use 13
/use 14
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
/console Sound_EffectSFX 1