This macro is very similar to my Ret Macro. I use macros for the main moves of a rotation with a few modifiers for other moves. This macro only cycles shield of the righteous, judgment, blessed hammer and eye of tyr in that priority order.
Modifiers in the macro are these below. I specifically left all 3 of these out of the main rotation so I may hit them when I want to. Especially shield and consecration since I’m waiting for a cast or having to move a lot. Hammer can go into the macro itself but I keep it the same from my ret spec and it works for me.
/cast [mod:shift] Hammer of Wrath
/cast [mod:ctrl] Avenger’s Shield
/cast [mod:alt] Consecration
This macro wont be for everyone, I just want something hitting my main buttons as I’m making call outs for my group and paying attention to mechanics. Understand without using CDs from below you will not have more than a 70% range uptime on shield of the righteous, with using cds youll have right around 100% uptime.
If someone feels the need to add in Word of glory you can, replace hammer of wrath, add that into the main macro and do a mouseover shift modifier for a word of glory.
I keep divine toll, sentinel and bastion of the light on sperate buttons, unlike my ret the only CD In game macro I use is
/cast divine toll
/use Ashes of the Embersoul
/use Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power
This macro is used with a .05 up and down for a .1 duration on razer synapse.