Prot Warrior maximised Survivability and Dps (17 Stacks Uber Strike Dmg)

Hi Everyone,

i would like to give my “MyProtWar”-Macro to the Community.
For First that everybody can do a “very lazy” but simply fine Warrior tanking and second for the Improvement.
(maybe the Community knows to do it a Little bit better … if this can be)

Okay let´s Start to introduce the Macro.
The Macro is optimized for Survivability and Prot-Dps.
Ignore Pain and Shieldblock are always up.
Shield Slam is optimized to the Procs and Buffs from the Skilltree.
-Skills you find as a helptext in the Pre-Macro Section.
For AoE, only run Thunderclap on a seperate Hotkey and let the Macro do the Rest.
Hotkeys are at my G502 Mouse at 100ms.

Links to View:
My Prot Warrior Arsenal Link
Screenshot 17 Stacks Uber Dmg

I hope you enjoy the Macro and it is helpful for you.
Greeting from Germany,

Sequences['MYprotWar'] = {
specID= 084,
helpTxt = 'Talents:  1223312',
StepFunction = [[
	limit = limit or 1
	if step == limit then
		limit = limit % #macros + 1
		step = 1
		step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast charge
	'/cast Heroic Throw',
'/cast !Shield Block',
'/cast !Shield Slam',
	'/cast Focused Rage',
	'/cast !Revenge',
	'/cast Devastate',
'/cast [combat] !Ignore Pain',
	'//cast Focused Rage',
'/cast !Shield Block',
'/cast !Shield Slam',
	'/cast !Revenge',
		'/cast Victory Rush',
	'/cast Devastate',
'/cast !Shield Block',
'/cast !Shield Slam',
	'/cast [combat] Shockwave',
'/cast Devastate',
PostMacro = [[
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
/castsequence [combat] Shield Slam, Revenge, Shield Slam, Revenge
/cast [combat] Demoralizing Shout
/cast [combat] Spell Reflection
/cast [combat] Berserker Rage
/cast [combat] Battle Cry
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

cant get it work - chant crate macro like this (empty macro)

21 Stacks Screenshot

My warrior

Just got 21 stacks with this macro with 717 gear score :slight_smile: , it works really well

I have changed a few things but only for personal preference.

Taken out Shockwave as i like to have control over it and use it on large pulls or as a second interrupt.
And taken out Spell Reflect to get the 30% magic damage reduction when its needed.
And also included the 110 heirloom trinket for the 200k shield in slot 14.
Also removed Berserker rage so can break fear/incap when needed.

Thanks Ragnar working awesome.

Sequences['TANK'] = {
specID= 084,
helpTxt = 'Talents:  1223312',
StepFunction = [[
	limit = limit or 1
	if step == limit then
		limit = limit % #macros + 1
		step = 1
		step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
'/cast !Shield Block',
'/cast !Shield Slam',
	'/cast Focused Rage',
	'/cast !Revenge',
	'/cast Devastate',
'/cast [combat] !Ignore Pain',
	'//cast Focused Rage',
'/cast !Shield Block',
'/cast !Shield Slam',
	'/cast !Revenge',
		'/cast Victory Rush',
	'/cast Devastate',
'/cast !Shield Block',
'/cast !Shield Slam',
'/cast Devastate',
PostMacro = [[
/castsequence [combat] Shield Slam, Revenge, Shield Slam, Revenge
/cast [combat] Demoralizing Shout
/cast [combat] Battle Cry
/use [combat]14
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

Thanks for the Compliments :slight_smile: .

21 Stacks isn´t that bad … i got now the HC Class Trinket from Archimonde and with them and Anzus trinket i got 20 Stacks.
-i think i´ll try it with the Heilerooom (what ever it is written correct :slight_smile: ) for the extra Absorbs. it is not the badest Idea :wink: -

Fine that i could helped someone.

Greeting from good old Germany

I’ve used a few macros in the New GS Enh. but, I just can’t seem to get this to work. I have placed it in both the default folder as well as the GS-Mymacros warrior folder. I see the macro in the list at the bottom but it won’t populate it. When I click edit, it closes the window.

Any help?

I still couldn’t get it to work, had to re-edit it to make it work with GS:E. Neither worked, Edited CTUBAUER’s because I like the idea of a little more control as well. One thing I did notice as I was posting this, not sure what specid 084 is, unless it was something for the old GS. :wink: Protection Warrior is now 73.

Sequences['Tank'] = {
helpTxt = 'Talents: 1223312',
StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
"/cast !Shield Block",
"/cast Shield Slam",
"/cast Focused Rage",
"/cast !Revenge",
"/cast Devastate",
"/cast [combat] !Ignore Pain",
"/cast Focused Rage",
"/cast !Shield Block",
"/cast !Shield Slam",
"/cast !Revenge",
"/cast Victory Rush",
"/cast Devastate",
"/cast !Shield Block",
"/cast !Shield Slam",
"/cast Devastate",
/castsequence [combat] Shield Slam, Revenge, Shield Slam, Revenge
/cast [combat] Demoralizing Shout
/cast [combat] Battle Cry
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14

Hi Raejyn,

the Spec-ID is just a “Linemarker”.
It shows the Beginning Line of the Macro in my Sequences.lua, when I open it with Notepadd++.


GS-E i did not use. I use the normal way to get the Macro worked.
Open the Sequences.lua with Notepad++.
-hope this helps and i understand your Problem correctly-

Update trainingsdummy:
With the Tips from ctubauer -thanks for that- … i had reset the Uber Strike Dmg from Tanking Dummy @25 Stacks. -my Rest Life are at round 30% and Absorb was with the Accounttrinket extremly pushed-
I don´t know is it a bug or is it a correct Blizz-Mechanic of the trainingsdummy.

Hi Rico

If you dont have the right specID that GS-E wont have a clue what to do with this. The specID is how GS-E actually works. What Raejyn is trying to tell you is that the value 089 means that GS-E cannot tell that it should be a Protection warrior macro. The other GS-E orphan detection, if you have turned that on, will clean up the macro as its not a macro tied to a specID that matches your class.

THe version of your macro that Raejyn shared seems to be rather smooth.

Hi Timothy,

ah tx for the inFormation.
I Use GS (normal) and the Spec ID is that i know the Line where my macro beginns.

Is GSe better than GS?
Where can i download it?

For Information

I Work atm on a improvement of the macro and skills i Use.
The reason why is i would have a better support for my healers. That they can more Focus the group.

Update comes on monday.
Include discreption how to do.

Greetings from germany

I have an extremely biased opinion. GS inspired GS-E. They both perform the same actions and use the same syntax in defining the macros. How they do that is where they differ.

GS-E is here

This is three mods - GS-Core which is similar to what you are used to with GS, A sequence Editor and a collection of macros.

I would suggest getting GS-E myMacros Addin Pack : Discontinued and Outdated Mods : World of Warcraft AddOns Edit the lua files in this instead of editing the sequences.lua file

If you are playing in German I would also suggest This will translate Macros English to German and German to English


Translator Addon

Rico - All i can say is WOW and Thank you , this macro works very well and kick’s ass

Thanks Cholarabob … i´m happy when i can help someone.
Enjoy ur ProtWar :wink:


Hi Everyone,

here is the Update for the Macro.
Now it works correctly with GS-E.
It´s the german Version, because i miss german Macros here in the Forum.
-don´t flame me now :wink: … i Know it´s a english Forum … but i would Support my Folks a lit´bit-

Ok anyway … if someone needs the translated Version or does´nt know how to translate, pls see the very good introduced Vid´s from TimothyLuke in Front of this Posting Update.

I would like if the Community will mark the Macro for HP-Macro, so that more People can Profit from them.

Ok what´s NEW:
I just changed a Little Thing, the Inspiring Presence to Impending Vitory.
The Reason why is that the ProtWarrior does´nt have a HEAL-Skill so with this Talent you had a 15% selfheal.
In my eyes it is a much better Profit for the Healers as the Inspiring Presence.

Constructive Feedback … WELCOME.

The best Way to use this Macro is with the 110 Account-Prot-Trinket.

Greeting from good old Germany,

Sequences['MyProtWarrior'] = {
author="Rågnår@Zirkel des Cenarius",
helpTxt = 'Talents: 1123312',
icon = "inv_shield_58",
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast Abfangen
"/cast Heldenhafter Wurf",
"/cast Schildblock",
"/cast Schildschlag",
"/cast Fokussierte Wut",
"/cast Rache",
"/cast Verwüsten",
"/cast [combat] !Zähne zusammenbeißen",
"/cast Schildblock",
"/cast Schildschlag",
"/cast Rache",
"/cast Verwüsten",
"/cast Schildblock",
"/cast Schildschlag",
"/cast [combat] Schockwelle",
"/cast Verwüsten",
/cast [combat] Kochendes Blut
/castsequence [combat] Schildschlag, Rache, Schildschlag, Rache,
/cast [combat] Demoralisierender Ruf
/cast [combat] Zauberreflexion
/cast [combat] Kampfschrei
/use [combat] 13
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

Heres my attempt at translating via Google translate.
I havent tested this nor have I checked for syntax errors.

Sequences ['MyProtWarrior'] = {
author = "Ragnar @ Cenarion Circle"
specID = 73,
helptxt = 'Talents: 1123312'
icon = "inv_shield_58"
PreMacro = [[
/ Console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/ Target enemy [noharm] [dead]
/ Cast Intercept
"/ Cast Heroic Throw"
"/ Cast Shield Block"
"/ Cast Shield Slam"
"/ Cast Focused Rage"
"/ Cast Revenge"
"/ Cast Devastate"
"/ Cast [combat]! Clenching Teeth"
"/ Cast Shield Block"
"/ Cast Shield Slam"
"/ Cast Revenge"
"/ Cast Devastate"
"/ Cast Shield Block"
"/ Cast Shield Slam"
"/ Cast [combat] shockwave"
"/ Cast Devastate"
Post Macro = [[
/ Cast [combat] Boiling Blood
/ Castsequence [combat] Shield Slam, Revenge, Shield Slam, Revenge,
/ Cast [combat] Demoralizing Shout
/ Cast [combat] Spell Reflection
/ Cast [combat] battle cry
/ Use [combat] 13
/ Script UIErrorsFrame: Hide ();
/ Console Sound_EnableSFX 1


Unfortunately I cant get it to show in GS-E either with /gs or within the drop down editor, after placing it in the GS E MyMacros folder.

The Fault is simple

Change ur Clenching Teeth to Ignore Pain
thats it
rest sounds really good

but i can bring the english Version up if u like

[quote quote=30748]Hi Everyone,
here is the Update for the Macro. Now it works correctly with GS-E. It´s the german Version, because i miss german Macros here in the Forum. -don´t flame me now ? … i Know it´s a english Forum … but i would Support my Folks a lit´bit-
Ok anyway … if someone needs the translated Version or does´nt know how to translate, pls see the very good introduced Vid´s from TimothyLuke in Front of this Posting Update.
I would like if the Community will mark the Macro for HP-Macro, so that more People can Profit from them.
Ok what´s NEW: I just changed a Little Thing, the Inspiring Presence to Impending Vitory. The Reason why is that the ProtWarrior does´nt have a HEAL-Skill so with this Talent you had a 15% selfheal. In my eyes it is a much better Profit for the Healers as the Inspiring Presence.
Constructive Feedback … WELCOME.
PS: The best Way to use this Macro is with the 110 Account-Prot-Trinket.
Greeting from good old Germany, Ragnar.

Sequences['MyProtWarrior'] = {
author="Rågnår@Zirkel des Cenarius",
helpTxt = 'Talents: 1123312',
icon = "inv_shield_58",
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast Abfangen
"/cast Heldenhafter Wurf",
"/cast Schildblock",
"/cast Schildschlag",
"/cast Fokussierte Wut",
"/cast Rache",
"/cast Verwüsten",
"/cast [combat] !Zähne zusammenbeißen",
"/cast Schildblock",
"/cast Schildschlag",
"/cast Rache",
"/cast Verwüsten",
"/cast Schildblock",
"/cast Schildschlag",
"/cast [combat] Schockwelle",
"/cast Verwüsten",
/cast [combat] Kochendes Blut
/castsequence [combat] Schildschlag, Rache, Schildschlag, Rache,
/cast [combat] Demoralisierender Ruf
/cast [combat] Zauberreflexion
/cast [combat] Kampfschrei
/use [combat] 13
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

First things first - Good Job!  I really appreciate the enthusiasm.

But ... I know the ingame Translator works in most cases.  There are a couple of things I am working through.  The problem is that in its current form its a 20mb plugin to a 130kb mod.  Now its that big due to the language files.  There are 211665 spells inside of WoW.  Of those there are around 1200-1400 that players can cast.  There isnt a clean api that says which are player and which are not.  In my first attempt at figuring out which ones are player vs not I ended up with 85000 strings and aparently I missed Ironfur.  Which makes each language about 4mb each.  Now the way its setup in game is to make this 20mb fast to load and fast to translate.  ANd Yes I am working through optimising this.  I started a process about 12 hours ago that will finish in about 15 hours that should give me a list around the 5k mark that I can then refine again.

What I am saying is that right now asking the 70% who speak English to download a mod to translate one macro is possibly going to be a challenge.  The translator was so that we could all use the same language here and be able to play that ingame irrespective of what our local language was.

Yea, Neither can I but i’m still using the first macro as it is simply amazing can’t wait to get a working version of the second revision :slight_smile: