Protection (Tank) – 5.0.4

Well this one was a bit of a headache but I got it working with a full rotation. I had to change to a big sequence to prevent getting locked up.

If you use a rotation spell by itself (Thunder Clap,Revenge,Shield Slam) outside of the macro it will get locked up.

To rage dump just simply hold any modifier key once while hitting the macro.

/castsequence [mod]Cleave;reset=17 Devastate,Thunder Clap,Revenge,Shield Slam,Shockwave,Devastate,Devastate,Shield Slam,Revenge,Devastate,Devastate,Shield Slam,Devastate
/cast Shield Block
/cast Charge

Berserker Rage and Shouts can’t be part of the macro rotation at this moment, otherwise it will lock it up preventing to keep going to the next spell. The only way so far is to be used as a modifier, feel free to edit as you like.

Warning it will charge whatever is in line of sight, use to your discretion, works fine for me cause I been used to stop spamming after mobs are death or close to, otherwise if other mob is in range you will be charging it like crazy.

titanmarshall I’m not sure if you tried this macro but this would just spam devastate and cleave non stop. Devastate got no cooldown so it’s not very wise to use it as a starter.

This macro is actually working pretty well for me right now. Doesn’t hang up, except on the very rare occasion where i am out of rage, and does good to better DPS in heroic dungs. I have not yet raided with it yet.

/castsequence reset=target Shield Slam,Cleave,Thunder Clap,Revenge,Heroic Strike
/castsequence reset=2 Devastate
/run SetCVar(“Sound_EnableSFX”,“0”)
/cast Charge
/cast Taunt
/cast Berserker Rage
/cast Recklessness
/cast Demoralizing Shout
/cast Shockwave
/cast Avatar
/use 13
/use 14
/run SetCVar(“Sound_EnableSFX”,“1”)
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

change the devastate reset to 1 instead of 2. I was testing something else on the dummy and forgot to change it back. it should look like this

/castsequence reset=1 Devastate

I like what u did there, but i was having too many hangups and I was rage starved so I tweeked it to be more forgiving and for it to flow better. First i took taunt out it only would be used when its needed. I also took out cleave and heroic strike cuz they are pretty useless in my honest opinion. I also found a work around for whatever shout you want to use. Im sneaky sneaky.


/castsequence reset=1 Devastate
/castsequence reset=target Thunder Clap,Shield Slam,Revenge
/cast !Shield Block
/cast Demoralizing Shout
/cast Berserker Rage
/cast Recklessness
/castrandom Battle Shout
/cast Charge

Great fix. I am using your changes.

which of the macros is best to use???


/cast devastate
/cast cleave
/cast thunder clap
/cast shield slam
/cast Revenge
/cast shield barrier
/cast !shield block
/cast shockwave
/cast execute
/cast charge
/cast commanding shout
/cast deadly calm
/cast recklessness


took me forever to try and get devastate to go but finally got it havent gotten commanding shout to go off but so far every thing else has been working