Pure PWNAGE - Windwalker Monk - 5.4 (Finally Revealing this to the Community)

Oh ya, and one more. Why 3 lines devoted to Rising Sun kick? Just to be totally sure that it goes off?

A question about your macro, but just to preface it I want to say that this is one of the few macros I’ve tried that doesn’t lock up, so thank you for that. As far as optimal DPS I’m not sure, but from what I’m hearing it sounds like it does better than most.

So, the touch of death doesn’t go off like it should, but that’s mainly because the macro is running through the cycle of jab and blackout kicks. Do you have/can you add a macro that acts as a finisher, running jab a few times and then hitting the touch of death? Or is that me being WAY too lazy? Perhaps you can move it around so that it’s first priority is touch of death after it has enough chi?

Secondly, do you have an AOE macro? I use another person’s, but I figure if you manage to do the basic rotation better than others, you’d do the AOE rotation better than others too? X3

Thanks again for your awesome work!

Great macro. Can this be used while leveling a brand new monk?

Awesome work, I have a few questions tho.
You guys use RJW talent? Cause it is a really good add to dps and it is not in the macro.

Are you using it separetly or you are using Xuen talent maybe?

Either way keep up the good work, this is amazing.

Hey chris, love the work as usual, I cant seem to get expel harm to fire off, anyone else having problems? It also locks up on me at times, especially after using leg sweep, I have to retarget to get the macro running again. And one last question any way to add a tiger brew modifier?

Hey im new to making macros in world of warcraft and I was just wondering if i was doing something wrong with these codes. It seems that they are a lot longer than the max number of letters in the macro box. Am I missing something or am I just blind. If you could help me out id appreciate it a lot!

u need the addon macro toolkit or superduper macro i use macro toolkit and it works great. also you should get or use a razor naga and setup a turn button for your amcro make the delay .3 if you have 40mb internet latency should be 40 or less to use .3 delay on your naga

Do you have a “revised” macro for 6.0.2? This one no longer works :frowning:

I’m still loving the original macro. I just had to break it up into a swap bar macro.

Care to show us how you broke it out?

Guys just for the moment, you can replace the 0,0,0 in your macros with a Halloween mask. Use it to give yourself an idea of how effective new macros are in comparison. ill do some testing in a few hours.

This is how I broke up Chris Webber’s macro

Bar 1

#showtooltip TIger Palm
/targetenemy [noharm]
/castsequence TIger Palm
/swapactionbar 1 2

Bar 2

#showtooltip Blackout Kick
/targetenemy [noharm]
/castsequence Blackout Kick
/swapactionbar 2 3

Bar 3

/showtooltip Jab
/targetenemy [noharm]
/castsequence Jab, Jab
/swapactionbar 3 4

Bar 4

/showtooltip Rising Sun Kick
/targetenemy [noharm]
/castsequence Rising Sun Kick
/swapactionbar 4 5

Bar 5

/showtooltip Chi Wave
/targetenemy [noharm]
/castsequence Chi Wave
/swapactionbar 5 6

Bar 6

/showtooltip Touch of Death
/targetenemy [noharm]
/castsequence reset=15/combat/target Disable,null
/cast Expel Harm
/cast Touch of Death
/use 13
/use 14
/swapactionbar 6 1

Anyways it’s working for me…I would’ve put Disable in a different macro but I use ElvUI and I was too lazy to make more action bars with another addon.

Thanks. I’ll try it tonight and give any useful feedback.

Hey partypeople,
is there any chance to put the macro of chris into a macro for gnomesequencer? Or should i use macro toolkit?

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence reset=15/combat/target Disable,null
/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,expel harm
/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=0.3 0,0,0,Chi Wave
/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=0.3 0,0,Blackout Kick
/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=0.3 0,Jab,jab
/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=combat !Rising Sun Kick,Tiger Palm,Blackout Kick,!Rising Sun Kick,Tiger Palm,Blackout Kick,disable
/cast touch of death
/use [combat]Energizing Brew
/use [combat]chi brew

how can I get this macro to work with gnomesequencer or macro tool kit? it is still the best macro i had for the monk :frowning:

I’m new at macros. I am unable to get this macro loaded using gnomesequencer as there is no name related to the macro that will aloow me to call this up in game. Could you please explain this to me.

This thread is from before WoD, this type of macro no longer works which is why Gnomesequencer was created.

Any macro you see with the leading zero format (reset=5 0,0,0,0,0,0) is no longer usable. There are updated GS macros in other threads, let this one die.

How do I get this wow text macro to run with Razer Synapse. I play wow private mop server, and I just cant find out how to get Razer Synapse to execute this macro. Also max characters for a macro is 255 characters, any help?