PvP GSE macro that heals more/makes us less squishy and still does decent dps

Hello All!
I love the Griggers Blood DK macro, and would LOVE someone to make a PvP macro for Unholy which heals us more often (we can still be squishy) while still doing decent dps. I have used all of the ones listed on this site for Unholy, and can get decent dps for sure but I die way too fast in arenas in 2v2 of 3v3. Surely there is an uber-macro-maker person out there who can come up with something we can use in PvP! I appreciate all of the efforts of everyone here - I have an impairment which slows my hand speeds, and I have been able to make it to 1400 rating in PvP with John’s macro, but I seem to be stuck there as I just can’t manually death strike my way any higher - thanks all for your ideas, and I promise to test them all! :slight_smile:

I tried a lot of macros and combined a lot still did’t get the right 1 we need macro use of necrotic strike and death strike

Hello all - if you PvP you know that our burst isn’t the best, so self-heals and survivability can win the day. I think I understand the very basic fundamentals of these macros, but it seems I can’t just insert death strike and necrotic strike to the macro and still have them work :frowning: So, I am relying on all of your awesomeness to come up with a good survivability macro which still puts out OK dps - I can’t thank you all enough for your efforts!

Just use a strong PVP macro that you have and remove Death Coils from the macro and add deathstrikes etc… OR write in a line
/castsequence reset=target/combat Death Strike, Death Coil, Death Coil ( or as many Death Strikes as you want etc)

what about necrotic strike we need a lot

Hi mvi - that’s true for sure! I just wanted to tickle this topic thread again, as I have to think that there are some macro creators out there who play PvP DK’s or know how to write stuff for them - thanks in advance to any of you who can help! :slight_smile:


try this thanks to @john metz made it for me


there you go.