PVP section

Hey ,
First i want to thank you for all the work you do!
It s great to find a site like this one , it really help me!

Then , i just want to ask , if a pvp section will be created , because i think it could be great for everyone !!!

Thx a lot!

Hello Donuts,

You are very welcome and I’m happy that people can find this site useful.

I been on plans to add pvp macros but maybe as a topic under each class. That way I do not have to create sub forum for each class in a pvp section.

I have created a few macros for pvp myself and also have been gathering macros around the net that I would like to post from sites that are abandoned and before they disappear I will try to include them as a database or have a record of some sort for them.

thank you for your answer!

That could be great , because i do a lot of pvp and if it s as useful as for pve , i ll need it .


I’d like to bump this section suggestion.

I think there is a valid following for pvp based macros, but I think could be implemented just was easily by just creating those threads in their class forums.

If you watch the forums long enough, you notice that there are 3-4 macros that tend to float around on the first page, one for each spec and then a couple pvp ones.

I think the website setup how it is works fine for the relatively small userbase it has.

[quote quote=20102]I think there is a valid following for pvp based macros, but I think could be implemented just was easily by just creating those threads in their class forums.

If you watch the forums long enough, you notice that there are 3-4 macros that tend to float around on the first page, one for each spec and then a couple pvp ones.

I think the website setup how it is works fine for the relatively small userbase it has.

First off, i just want to say what a blessing it was when i found this site, certainly has helped my game play as as much as it pains me to say it, i once was a clicker :o

I think what he means is it would just make things easy to find, although it is not hard or time consuming as it is, i think he means when for instance you click on Druid, instead of pages and pages of macro’s coming up, you can have a sub folder of Pve and another folder of PvP and just makes the site more user friendly and professional. Don’t misunderstand me, it’s a great site as it is, i’m just stating what i think he is getting at.

Once again, keep up the good work all, it’s much appreciated and i wish i could implement some output but my macro writing skills are very basic lol

i loved chris’s disc and warrior macro’s, they were very good for me at least and kept me alive more than once

PS: I also know op was a long time ago :stuck_out_tongue: