Hello, just went though the WoW /castsequence and GSE notes on /castsequence, but apparently I’m having a issue that isn’t ‘expected’.
I should also note that the ‘Blizzard macro’ version of this works just fine.
I’m having 2 issues, one being that the macro ‘compiles without error’ , but then is never run by the sequence (everything before and after it works). Or, I immediately get a ‘Broken Macro’ message with related stack trace. I haven’t seen this mentioned so I thought it might be worth bringing up. This happens with both Ice Block and Ice Cold (alternate talent version of Ice Block)
Full Error (when it happens):
Broken Macro test was unable to be programmed. This macro will not fire until errors in the macro can be corrected/
Interface/Addons/GSE_Utils/Events.lua: bad argument #1 to ''FindSpellBookSlotForSpell" (Usage : local spellBookItemSlotIndex, spellBookItemSlotBank = FindSpellBookSlotForSpell(spellIdentifier, [, IncludeHidden, IncludeFlyouts, IncludeFutureSpells, InclueOffSpec]))