[Question] - Macro Issue While Using GSE

Hello my homies, how you all doing ?

Buddies, i have an issue with the following macro

/castsequence reset=target Mortal Strike, Thunder Clap, null

It works fine if I simply macro it in WoW interface, but if I put it in my sequence, GSE doesnt fire this specific line at all.

  1. Is there anyway i can make GSE cast one of my saved macro ( like /cast “macroname)” ?
  2. I dont see anything wrong with my macro syntaxe, any tips on how i could make it work ?

Ty all, and ggs !!!

Anyone, plz ? Really struggling on this one

Tried some tweaking and still couldnt solve this out. I can guarante the syntax are correct, still GSE doesnt fire this line of the macro.

Ty folks !

Mr.Tymothy, thank you !!! You’re awesome !!!