I’m a complete noob when it comes to making macros, so forgive me for the bad macro. But, I’ve been a long time lurker here and tought I could try contribute with some classic macros. As Classic will be the only version I’ll play from here on, Im going to try make some more for other classes as times goes.
Please, use it or rewrite it as you please. But if you make it work better, please post it here for everyone to enjoy.
It’s a work in progress… i made it so i can make some dps while not going OOM to fast. Im planing to multibox with a warrior so need to save mana for heals
after combat it casts SoC then only lasts 30 secs, precombat it will judgement then cast SoR and the rotation, out of combat prior to atacking pop SoC like it was back in the day, im still not sure how to setup the old 9 - 6 - 9 - 6 - 9 rotaion if its still around somewhere
/castsequence reset=combat Seal of the Crusader, null
will not function as expected. Have the same setup on my Hunter for Hunter’s Mark. I had to make it just /cast Hunter’s Mark and it would cast. If you try to run AHK you run out of mana as it would cast it over and over. I ended up just doing HM manually.
I hope i copyied that right… just a slight change, i was seal of command. i also changed the reset value to 30 for both as it seems to not waste as much mana reseting the seal when its still up
macro works fine if I copy it first time, but whenever I change anything, like make it a higher rank, the macro just spams the seal
Talking about the first macro, no the SOC one yet
So you’re casting Seal of Righteousness & Judgement of Light one after another over and over? Where’s Avenger’s Shield? No Righteous Defense? Holy Shock? Consecration?