Go to GSE: Gnome Sequencer Enhanc… - Addons - World of Warcraft - CurseForge and download the addon. After you install it and get back into the game type /gse in the chat bar. It will bring up the addon you just installed. Copy that long string of numbers, letters , and symbols and import them into the addon. highlight the newly imported macro and create icon. Drag it down on your action bar and use your gaming mouse or whatever other software you want to use to continually click that actionbar number.
Hello Rekt, and thanks for your work!!! At this time, your macro is best choice in this case! My main is guardian druid with 2,3k score and 9/10 mythic CN, but i need a change to a warrior for next patch. Your macro for prot warr is actually really strong good dmg, nice movement combo with charge for m+ lego… pretty nice uptime for IP but little bit less for SB .
I would like to promote your macro everywhere.
Can i ask you? Could you increase the UPTIME for SB in your macro? if yes ? your macro will become my main part for patch 9.1
Ty so much for your work and have a good night
Ps. I tank HC skip today with your macro
184ilvl tank without problem here at all
I was actually going to work on it tonight as I just cleaned up my arms warrior macro earlier. I will look at the Shield Block uptime. Something else was bugging me when I was tanking last night. I noticed during the charge it casts a Thunderclap mid charge. I am going to look at the timing for that as well. Partly why I was going to work on it tonight.
I really appreciate your feedback on the macro and I truly appreciate the kind words, that’s what makes me keep doing them. Glad you like it!
I have updated the macro. Shield Block is up as much as possible. The percentage can’t go higher due to the cooldown being longer than the buff it applies.
I also created two different macros one for Venthyr players that want to tank and a macro for all other covenants. Spear of bastion is included. I also changed the way the mod buttons function so it is smoother on use.
Let me know what you think.
Hi Rekt,
i use your updated macro for some +14 keys and actualy this is the way i make only one modification for me … i delete charge and i use it manualy bcs its little bit mess for some affixes,dungeons,bosses (sanquine, storming, fortified, plaguefall, SD).
195ilvl prot warrior with mininal versa gear = done many +14 keys intime.
Extremely good buff uptime for overall in plaguefall +14:
Ignore pain - 89% uptime
Shiels Block - 67% uptime
2,7k dps for 195 ilvl… gucci
This is the way bro, this is the way!
At this time no one have better macro than you!
Ty so much and have a good night
Hey! Thanks for the macro and your hard work. Not sure if it’s me or not but i grabbed both of the macros and the non-venthyr seems to have condemn where as in the venthyr one im not seeing condem. I know i can just add it but not sure if I’m missing something. I am venthyr so without that it would show as execute, but I’m definately not seeing any execute or condem in the V macro (the first one posted). Just curious if I was doing something wrong