[Request] Fistweaver 5.4.8

Hi guys. Recently I decided was gonna play my Mistweaver as a Fistweaver and have been looking for some 1-button macros with no luck. I found some topics here but they’re either old ones or dont work quite as expected. So I decided to ask: does anyone have (or could make one) a 1-button macro for Fistweaver? I would really appreciate it.

I second this… Altough im using Allen`s “fisting” macros atm… They seem to work but would be nice if it was someone with a new and updated one =)

i’m working with a few now, will post when i’m able to test it with the healer LMG been WW/BM to fill a roster gap and sorry for the “Fisting” title, wasn’t my thread.

<Stat Prio>


ok, here we go… “Craneweaving” aka fistweaving.

Single Target

#showtooltip Jab
/castsequence reset=0 0,0,0,0,Touch of Death
/castsequence reset=0 0,0,0,Chi Wave
/castsequence reset=0 0,0,Blackout Kick
/castsequence reset=0 0,Expel Harm
/castsequence Jab,Tiger Palm
/cast [combat]Lifeblood
/cast [combat]Chi Brew
/use 13
/use 14


#showtooltip Spinning Crane Kick
/castsequence reset=0 0,0,0,0,Touch of Death
/castsequence reset=0 0,0,0,Chi Wave
/castsequence reset=0 0,0,Blackout Kick
/castsequence reset=0 0,Expel Harm
/castsequence Spinning Crane Kick,Tiger Palm
/cast [combat]Lifeblood
/cast [combat]Chi Brew
/use 13
/use 14

“Zealweaving” Craneweaving with Renewing mist & Uplift “mana intensive”
(Healer LMG recommended)

Single Target

#showtooltip Jab
/castsequence reset=0 0,0,0,0,Uplift
/castsequence reset=0 0,0,0,Chi Wave
/castsequence reset=0 0,0,Renewing Mist
/castsequence reset=0 0,Expel Harm
/castsequence [mod]Blackout Kick;Jab,Tiger Palm
/cast [combat]Lifeblood
/cast [combat]Chi Brew
/use 13
/use 14


#showtooltip Spinning Crane Kick
/castsequence reset=0 0,0,0,0,Uplift
/castsequence reset=0 0,0,0,Chi Wave
/castsequence reset=0 0,0,Renewing Mist
/castsequence reset=0 0,Expel Harm
/castsequence [mod]Blackout Kick;Spinning Crane Kick,Tiger Palm
/cast [combat]Lifeblood
/cast [combat]Chi Brew
/use 13
/use 14

Big Surging Mist

#showtooltip Surging Mist
/cast Surging Mist
/cast [combat]Thunder Focus Tea

Renewing mist Refresher

#showtooltip Uplift
/cast Uplift
/cast [combat]Thunder Focus Tea

Burst aka “BBK” (Big Blue Kitty)

#showtooltip Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger
/cast [combat]Potion of the Jade Serpent
/cast [combat]Lifeblood
/cast [combat]Chi Brew
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
/cast [combat]Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger