Request For Feedback: WeakAuras2

One of the long term goals for GSE was to be able to bundle a macro and the related WeakAuras strings with it with a button in the /GS interface to load the auras. Create Framework so that GS-E can be a plugin to WeakAuras2 · Issue #36 · TimothyLuke/GSE-Advanced-Macro-Compiler · GitHub I havn’t been able to achieve this but I do have an idea for the interim.

Add to the GSE spec a WeakAuras sub table

Sequence["name"] = 
  Author = "Author",
  Talents = "1231231",
  WeakAuras = {
  MacroVersions= {

From there in the UI the /gs viewer will have a button on the macro panel that pops up a window from which WA strings can be copied out of and the the user can paste these into WA. There is currently a field for a URL for macro help which follows a similar idea but the idea that there could be multiple WA strings to go with a macro.

The other question is whether there should be a name, description, String interface.

Sequence["name"] = 
  Author = "Author",
  Talents = "1231231",
  WeakAuras = {
      WAName = "Name of WA2",
      WADescription = "Description of this WA",
      WAString = "WAString1asdfggsadasdaf",
      WAName = "Name of WA2",
      WADescription = "Description of this WA",
      WAString = "WAString2yuihkjlhjkhjk",
  MacroVersions= {

GSE wont be able to validate the string in the first instance or preview it. This may be possible in the future but not yet.

I know it could be a rabbit hole with how far do you go hence why asking for input.