Requesting help with Storm, Earth, and Fire... the PITA spell

I use GSE to supplement a different way to do lazy macros. What I’m looking for…

A GSE that only casts [nochanneling, combat] Storm, Earth and Fire and then pauses it for like 45 seconds, without constantly rehitting it to fixate targets. If I could castsequence it in a regular macro, I’d tie it off into paralysis to lock it out, but obviously, you can’t do that with spells with , in them.

Please be the hero I need for this, and thank you.

Not possible, ever .

Tried this since 4 Last expansions and havenot encountered a perfect pause fórmula for this .

Go manual.


Makes me sad, I never enjoyed this and miss Serenity already.

Do the math.

45 seconds * the rate you hit your macro = the number of actions. If that number is > 255 then you need to slow down your ms till that number is less than 255.

45 seconds at 250ms (4 clicks a second) = 180 actions. If you are spamming 50ms well you are shot out of luck as it just ain’t going to work.

You just need to plan your sequence that you get back to SEF 180 actions after you last cast it. Ie when you look at the Sequence in “Compile Template” it needs to show 180 actions exactly. Loops are a good way of controlling these kinds of things.

Then you just have to manage the sequence order that when you get to SEF the GCD is available.

It’s not impossible but it is going to take a lot of work to plan and figure out.