Require Target to Use

So, toggling the “Require Target to Use” option is one of the biggest secrets to not pulling entire dungeons at once and I can’t seem to find that option in the new build. Did that need to be removed for some reason?

I’m wondering the same thing. I stopped using GSE until they fix that, can’t do raid or keys with pets running crazy pulling everything. Will get me kicked from the guild

Remove any /targetenemy and /startattack commands and manually target the units you want to attack?

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I removed all of it and it stills auto target, I really have no clue how to resolve this. Hopefully with all the updates the option require target to use will come back.

Is it a melee character? Melee abilities auto target since Dragonflight.

Asked and answered in the GSE Support Discord 4 weeks ago:

Not for me, it’s a hunter! But I tried all the macro’s and there is one wich don’t autotarget.