Resto Druid "atonement" 1Button Super Tree

You don’t really see druids mimic disc priests, but this macro pulls it off pretty dang well! This macro is incredibly effective and you will also get questions from other druids when you beat them on the meters in LFR or Flex. I haven’t tested in normals since I only do normals on my Warlock main. I imagine in Normal you’d need to revert to more traditional heal styles, but I could see this shining on certain normal fights where you are often clumped together.

Dream of Cenarius is obviously required.
Talents need here are X/1/X/3/X/2.
Major glyphs I use here are wild growth efflorescence.
Minor glyphs: NO sprouting mushroom. Macros cant target the ground.
Stats: I’ve been playing with stacking lots of crit which is usually a less desired stat for trees. It’s working out very well.

/castsequence [@Player]reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,Wild Growth
/castsequence reset=target Wrath,Wild Mushroom,Wrath,Wrath
/castsequence [@Player]reset=0.3 0,0,0,Innervate
/castsequence [@Player]reset=0.3 0,0,Swiftmend
/castsequence [@Player]reset=1 0,Lifebloom,Rejuvenation,Swiftmend
/use Force of Nature
/use Lifeblood
/use Barkskin
/use Ironbark
/use 14
/use Wild Mushroom: Bloom
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

Everything pops, and I tried to lock this macro up, but couldn’t. Lifebloom is in there mainly to get clearcasts, but it doesn’t hurt to help keep you topped off too. Swiftmend is there twice to make it pop more often and reliably. Fully sufficient one button rotation. Obivously you can roll hots on the raid separately but I find its really not needed most of the time in LFR/Flex unless other healers are slacking.

When practical, try to position yourself near clumps of other players so they soak up more of your efflorescence. But even if you stand off by yourself you will hold your own on the meters.

Let me know what ya’ll think :slight_smile:

yea, i made one of these myself, the fun it caused was epic… pewpewdroodheals!

now if they would do away with the 50/50 heals/damage crap with fistweavers tbh my favorite healing style bending and shaping the mists through kung fu to heal allies and the OST to go with makes it an epic healing class to play and would highly recommend it to anyone who hasn’t already.

sorry, i know…wrong forum for this, i just wanted to get this out while thinking about it.

lets get’m to make it where heals equal 100% damage done for hybrid healers again.

I’d welcome it but I doubt we will see that again sadly :frowning:
But I do think we will see more of healers being given options of playing more active roles while they heal, which I am happy about.

I made a prev post for a diff 1buttonresto macro. Didn’t get any attention since I made it from dual-boxing/follow standpoint. My tree was following my main in LFR to get me faster queues. Viable, sometimes great, but often meh healing it was.

This one, was made from ground up and intended for a primary active (and lazy lol) player. If I dual box now, this druid is lead while one of my dps’ers on follow spamming their own 1button macro. It’s been a blast :slight_smile:

Feedback desired if anyone thinks I could improve on this. Keep it to one button! :slight_smile:

This is what i use I added some more Tank healing to get bigger numbers.
All you have to do is /focus one of your tanks and then stack up with the biggest group. I noticed that after a while everyone understands that the green ring of awesomness is a good thing to stand in. So your numbers will improve the further into the raid you get :wink:
I havent died once since all the aoe stuff is enough healing to keep me up through almost everything only wish i could do anything about that damn big overhealing numbers tho…

/castsequence [@Player]reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,Wild Growth
/castsequence reset=target Wrath,Wild Mushroom,Wrath,Wrath
/castsequence [@Player]reset=0.3 0,0,0,Innervate
/castsequence [@Player]reset=0.3 0,0,Swiftmend
/castsequence [@Focus]reset=1 0,Lifebloom,Rejuvenation,Lifebloom,Lifebloom,Swiftmend
/use Force of Nature
/use Barkskin
/use Ironbark
/use 14
/use Wild Mushroom: Bloom
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

I tried stacking crit but my numbers went lower so i stacked haste to the cap and the rest mastery. My gear is not perfect i only have 10787 spirit but i only went out of mana once and that group was really really low on dps.

Have a good one

Hi guys,
First time posting here. Thanks for the macros :P.

A few quick questions:

  1. It seems the first macro is based on healing myself. Others are healed only via AOE heals. Is that right?
  2. Why is Wrath in the macro?
  3. Do I need to target an enemy for the macro to fire properly?

Cheers. Thanks for your time!

[quote quote=11819]Hi guys,<br>
First time posting here. Thanks for the macros :P .

A few quick questions:<br>

  1. It seems the first macro is based on healing myself. Others are healed only via AOE heals. Is that right?<br>
  2. Why is Wrath in the macro?<br>
  3. Do I need to target an enemy for the macro to fire properly?

Cheers. Thanks for your time!<br>

  1. yes , but if you set your focus target to the tank you also heal the tank ( /focus Tankname )
  2. your wrath dmg heal peeps close to the target you hit with your wrath
  3. yes

Brilliant! Thank you for the quick reply. I’m loving this one. I’m using it the heal LFR whilst juggling my youngest in my other hand. :slight_smile:

I would love a small macro to use on players about to bite the dust. Some sort of bomb heals. Atm I just spam a glyphed Regrowth, but that eats into my mana quite a bit.
Do you have any suggestions? I think a bomb heal would be the perfect ‘mate’ for this AOE spammer. :slight_smile:

Many thanks!

I’ve been using this macro and while it’s quite fun/easy especially in LFR, nothing beats being asked why is that druid just spamming wrath, then linking meters and showing you’re tops of the chart (just don’t look at overheals). However, I am having a problem is there any way to get Wild Growth to cast more frequently, as of right now I just have it bound to another key as the macro doesn’t seem to use it often enough.


Your latency, and how quickly you spam the hot key, can and does affect how reliably certain abilities will pop. For me, Wild Growth pops often, usually less than 2 seconds after it comes off cooldown.

One thing you can try, is fiddling around with the reset=0.3 and change it to different numbers, like 0.5. I have also read that messing with the number of 0s affects the cast priority. Changing 0,0,0,0,Wild Growth to 0,Wild Growth may help too. No guarantees. I haven’t needed to mess with those yet.


I finally got the meta gem on my resto drood, and guess what? Screw the healing gem. The dps meta is where it’s at. Haste procs galore. I have made a very mana-efficient version of this macro to go with the dps gem. I can only imagine how this will be once I get the 608 healing cloak overheal effect

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,0,Wrath
/castsequence [@player]reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,Innervate
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,Nature's Grasp
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Mass Entanglement
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,Wild Growth
/castsequence reset=5 Wild Mushroom,Lifebloom,Wrath,Wrath,Wild Mushroom: Bloom,Wrath
/use Force of Nature
/use Lifeblood
/use Ironbark
/use Barkskin
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

Highlights: I removed rejuv and swiftmend entirely. They cost too much mana and GCDs for what they accomplished, which was little. Naturally, stuff like entanglement, grasp, etc are fluff and and can be removed. Again, I wouldn’t walk into Normal or Heroic raids expecting this to replace traditional healing styles. But it will rock the meters in LFR and flex. Lifebloom is there just for the proc effect. Enjoy

[quote quote=11345]You don’t really see druids mimic disc priests, but this macro pulls it off pretty dang well! This macro is incredibly effective and you will also get questions from other druids when you beat them on the meters in LFR or Flex. I haven’t tested in normals since I only do normals on my Warlock main. I imagine in Normal you’d need to revert to more traditional heal styles, but I could see this shining on certain normal fights where you are often clumped together.

Dream of Cenarius is obviously required.<br>
Talents need here are X/1/X/3/X/2.<br>
Major glyphs I use here are wild growth efflorescence.<br>
Minor glyphs: NO sprouting mushroom. Macros cant target the ground.<br>
Stats: I’ve been playing with stacking lots of crit which is usually a less desired stat for trees. It’s working out very well.

/castsequence [@Player]reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,Wild Growth
/castsequence reset=target Wrath,Wild Mushroom,Wrath,Wrath
/castsequence [@Player]reset=0.3 0,0,0,Innervate
/castsequence [@Player]reset=0.3 0,0,Swiftmend
/castsequence [@Player]reset=1 0,Lifebloom,Rejuvenation,Swiftmend
/use Force of Nature
/use Lifeblood
/use Barkskin
/use Ironbark
/use 14
/use Wild Mushroom: Bloom
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

Everything pops, and I tried to lock this macro up, but couldn’t. Lifebloom is in there mainly to get clearcasts, but it doesn’t hurt to help keep you topped off too. Swiftmend is there twice to make it pop more often and reliably. Fully sufficient one button rotation. Obivously you can roll hots on the raid separately but I find its really not needed most of the time in LFR/Flex unless other healers are slacking.

When practical, try to position yourself near clumps of other players so they soak up more of your efflorescence. But even if you stand off by yourself you will hold your own on the meters.

Let me know what ya’ll think :)

So this really an awesome macro… but i kinda need a 2nd macro to support this one …

If i need to move to another spot (as im being ranged, not melee) i would like my green mushroom ring to stay put, but still heal fx my focus target … this so i wont leave a trail of green healer rings going from a to b … does this makes sence at all?
