Ret Raid/M+ Macro 2/13/24 Please Test if you can

Long Time GSE user; never a poster. I started to catalog all the macros I use.
All of them are run at 50mS
Feel free to use and provide feedback. Feel free to ignore.
I am only publishing macros for classes that have met my standard. Again it works for me.

Ran a full clear on this yesterday and it did well.

Updated to ST and MT macros for Raiding. In my testing I find 3 holy power spender works better for macros i run and how i run my setup.


Usage Information

#1 Old Raid ST 128K
#2 Improved V1 for ST/MT 130K
#3 V3 of Rotation 135K
#4 NewTesting Version for Raid and M+ 140K
Raid Talents:
M+ Talents:

This macro contains 4 macro templates. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.54.

  • The Default macro template is 4

Usage Information

#1 Improved V1 for ST/MT
Raid Talents:
M+ Talents:

This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.54.


Hey, importing your macros now. I believe the Prot_ST is supposed to be the ret one though :slight_smile:

I look forward to testing these out.

good catch. post updated.

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Updated with latest raiding talents and macro.
This is the highest ST dps i have found out of all the macros. Could be how I run my click speeds.

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Posted improved Raid and M+ DPS versions 2/13.

for Context on my 465 Pally on a 10 minute test. I just use the toggle feature and walk away…
I have not raided with the new version yet.

Raid Talents:
Raid Boss ST Dummy: 138K
Cleave Targets: 203K

M+ Talents:
Raid Boss ST Dummy: 125K
Cleave Targets: 353K

Here are some stats from Volc on normal for the ST macro.

For damage vs ilevel it ends up being nearly top 10 parse.

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Hey, how did you compile those stats?

Here are tools I use:
Raidbots for general idea of performance
Logging with Warcraft logs
Wow analyzer for analysis
Archon for data on specs/builds

How is the usage of judgment, Blade of justice and hammer of wrath? I know for myself I’m getting stuck with high blue/low purple parses without augry and the legendary weapon. Those two things can account for up to 50k dps easily looking at top logs

Are you looking at parse vs ilevel or just raw parse?

The older version did everything ok but manage holy power spending.
I have not run the new macro through raid yet but from testing it improves on the previous version.
The old parsed purple/high blue for the ilvel assuming i didnt’ do anything dumb.

im saying parses of ilvl or raw parse at that low of an ilvl i dont think are a great showing of how well the macro does, seeing your 9% wasted holy power usage is huge though! to get it under 10% I believe is better than the vast majority of what people can do. i think the biggest thing though is seeing the judgment, hammer of wrath and blade of justice usage. if were not getting enough of them in then we arent spending holy power enough crushing what our dps should be.

i second this until you into 20 keys or above and i would say 470 ilvl or higher take your parse with a pinch of salt you need to remember with parsing that its not just your perfomance that affects your parse your tank might not pull big enough pulls for you to get the max output of your ilvl etc whilst another person with your same ilvl but with a tank that pulls optimal packs aka follows the tried and tested routes etc will automatically have a better chance at parsing higher this is also affected by everyones in the groups time to kill ttk those pulls or boss etc

Can you use logs on a dummy?

I am well aware of the limitations of parses but if you have other reference you can measure performance I am all ears.
I agree with what you are saying but it is hard to measure based on the variables you just mentioned.

i think you have misunderstood with what i was saying buddy there isent a alternative but its not for you to messure logs take all that into account is what i was saying a simple way of putting it is you by yourself might actually be doing 100% parses but because warcraft logs take all those variables into the parse it shows that overall the parse is like a 77% im basically saying logs are not as great as they seem and i was saying it in general not directed at anyone

totally agree. i just use them as a source of data to determine performance/improvements.

Out of curiosity, have you tweaked this at all, or are you still running this as is?
Just to add, 750k aoe burst on Val dummies, settled in at 350k over 3 mins
475 ilvl, no leggo

I will have to check tomorrow. It has been a while since I touched this 1.

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the way you have all the tabs is very confusing can you please post just the current raid macro you have ill test it on my 488 leggo ret pali in full bis.