Roars vengeance

At the request of others. I rebuild what was already a good macro and turned it into more. Complements to @BladePro for providing the skeleton macro that lead to this one. Run both of these at 0MS.
The first macro is your main macro. Utilizing both our BIS leggos for both.

You will make 2 keys on a auto fire 1 will have your main macro on it and the 2nd you have on another key and be used mostly when raiding when your not main tanking the target to save your cd’s and defensives from being blown when not needed. Can also be used on lesser trash packs in M+ to get the most out of your bigger pulls in M+

Hope you guys enjoy and i’ll accept any feed back from anyone. So far i’v been running these and i am now 4/10M and probably 5/10 or 6/10 tonight.


Usage Information

Run Both at 0 MS
VERSION 1 IS FOR 2,2/3,2,3,2,2,1 using Fiery Brand leggo. Use this for high keys and most raiding.
VERSION 2 IS FOR 2,2,3,3,2,2,1 using Defiler’s leggo. This is only using spirit bomb is heavy areas. Also used for 1,2,3,3,2/3,2,1 build for lower keys.

This macro contains 2 macro versions. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.6.41.

  • The Default macro is 1

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Priority

Pre Macro: Chaos Nova, Elysian Decree

KeyPress: Fel Rush, Sigil of Silence

Main Sequence: Chaos Strike, Immolation Aura, Vengeful Retreat, Demon’s Bite, Fel Devastation

KeyRelease: Chaos Nova

Macro Version 2

Step Function: Priority

Pre Macro: Chaos Nova, Elysian Decree

KeyPress: Fel Rush, Sigil of Silence

Main Sequence: Chaos Strike, Spirit Bomb, Immolation Aura, Vengeful Retreat, Demon’s Bite, Fel Devastation

KeyRelease: Chaos Nova


Usage Information

Run Both at 0 MS
VERSION 1 IS FOR 2,2/3,2,3,2,2,1 using Fiery Brand leggo. Use this for high keys and most raiding.
VERSION 2 IS FOR 2,2,3,3,2,2,1 using Defiler’s leggo. This is only using spirit bomb is heavy areas. Also used for 1,2,3,3,2/3,2,1 build for lower keys.

This macro contains 2 macro versions. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.6.41.

  • The Default macro is 1

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Priority

Pre Macro: Vengeful Retreat

KeyPress: Fel Rush, Elysian Decree, Sigil of Silence

Main Sequence: Immolation Aura, Demon’s Bite, Chaos Strike

KeyRelease: Sigil of Flame

Macro Version 2

Step Function: Priority

Pre Macro: Vengeful Retreat

KeyPress: Fel Rush, Elysian Decree, Sigil of Silence

Main Sequence: Immolation Aura, Chaos Strike, Demon’s Bite, Spirit Bomb


Got 5/10 last night with the above macros works good guys.

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Hey Roar been trying to catch you in game. Had a few questions I wanted to ask offline.

Sorry about that been goofing off on my druid all day. You can also DM me here.

What does 0 MS mean - so you press aes manually
or do you set it to 0 MS in Autohotkey?

@Ben_Nox set it to 0 MS autokey

I noticed you are wearing your Leggo for Sigil CD now… Is that what you are running keys with? Which profile are you using with that Leggo?

na just testing around had to carry some dps in keys so i put it on for the extra damage.

Now 6/10M using the above macros. Enjoy gents.

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