If you like my macros, and want to provide me with some financial incentive to keep this and other macros updated, you can do so here: Paypal
This macro set aims to provide a good balance of damage between ST and AOE builds. I also designed it use a normal macro to activate the gse macro sets.
Update 9/4: Thanks to Neurotic’s recommendation, and me being able to start leveling up my hunter, the spell, black arrow, is now added into gse. Since I have yet to do much testing with it, and plan to make more tweaks once I reach 80, I’d be interested to hear your feedback on the addition.
Update 9/6: I have now reached level 80 and ran some sims for the goal of maximizing dps potential.
- go to GSE options - TroubleShooting - turn off ActionButtonUseKeyDown, otherwise gse macro won’t fire off using this macro set.
- BROKEN MACRO error on Different spec: gse - MACRO_NAME - Disable Sequence - save
- BROKEN MACRO error same spec: GSE-MACRO_NAME - tab:‘1’ - disable all spell blocks containing a spell you don’t know - save
open the talent tree and import the following if you want to use the same talents as me:
- copy the following macro, paste it in game as a new macro, and drag the icon to the cast bar to be spammed there.
/cast [nopet] Call Pet 1
/cleartarget [dead]
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/click SCG_BM_ST
/castsequence [harm] reset=target Hunter's Mark, null
/cast Mend Pet
Alternative wow macro with hunter’s mark used with a modifier (CTRL):
/cast [nopet] Call Pet 1
/cleartarget [dead]
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [mod:ctrl] Hunter's Mark
/click SCG_BM_ST
/cast Mend Pet
- import the following code into gse, but do not keybind it.
- copy the following macro, paste it in game as a new macro, and drag the icon to the cast bar to be spammed there.
/cast [nopet] Call Pet 1
/cleartarget [dead]
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/click SCG_BM_AOE
/castsequence [harm] reset=target Hunter's Mark, null
/cast Mend Pet
Alternative wow macro with hunter’s mark used with a modifier (CTRL):
/cast [nopet] Call Pet 1
/cleartarget [dead]
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [mod:ctrl] Hunter's Mark
/click SCG_BM_AOE
/cast Mend Pet
- import the following code into gse, but do not keybind it.