SCG-Single button elemental shaman level 80 version 11.0.5 update: 12/8/2024

i really love how great this macro works, but i have one question… Isn’t it possible to use the most popular build with eleshaman and gse sequences??? why is noone here using stormbringer builds with liquid maga totem?

I initially went to wowhead and also ran several sims at raidbot When I created the talents for this based on the type of content I enjoy doing. I didn’t include liquid magma totem because I didn’t really know of a good way to impliment the spell in the rotation.

According to what I just simmed now on raidbots, based on what wowhead recommends, when I replace elemental equilibrium with liquid magma totem, I got better AOE dps, but worse ST dps, and when I switched to stormbringer instead of farseer, raidbots gave me worse dps for both ST and AOE.

Anyway, if you want to test out liquid magma totem, here’s something that would work.

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [mod:ctrl] Flame Shock
/cast [mod:shift] Lava Burst
/cast [mod:alt,@cursor] Liquid Magma Totem
/click [nochanneling] SCG_EL_AOE
/cast [nochanneling] Chain Lightning

note: if you were to use it like this, make sure that in your game menu/options/combat/self cast is set to none, then auto, so that the self cast key does not show as ‘alt’.

edit: I like that archon site. (didn’t know about it) For recommendations, I notice that liquid magma totem is most popular specific for mythic content, while far less popular for doing raid content.

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Thank you so much​:heart::heart::heart:… will test it tonight after work 1

I am unable to use modifiers when I use macros in game. I tend to put my talents together in such a manner that no modifier is necessary. But for Liquid Magma Totem, I have it set on a separate key because I do not use it all that much in the middle of combat, usually used only beforehand to catch mobs’ attention to agro it instead of me.

However, so many LazyMacros I’ve tried have modifiers included which stymies my dps considerably. I would love to do better dps, but I just cannot use modifiers in any macro setup. My hand mobility is not good therefore, trying to use a modifier key at the same time I’m hitting the macro key is fairly next to impossible for me.

Is it possible to construct some lazy macros to work without modifiers?

While I believe there are a few other classes that play a little nicer than this in creating something without modifiers to help with dps, this class isn’t too bad.
Here’s what I came up with you could try
for ST:

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/click [nochanneling] SCG_EL_ST
/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=target Lightning Bolt,Lightning Bolt,Lightning Bolt,Flame Shock,Lava Burst,Lightning Bolt,Lightning Bolt,Lightning Bolt,Lava Burst

For AOE:

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/click [nochanneling] SCG_EL_AOE
/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=target Chain Lightning,Chain Lightning,Chain Lightning,Flame Shock,Lava Burst,Chain Lightning,Chain Lightning,Chain Lightning,Lava Burst

Those should perform well without the need for modifiers and shouldn’t cause a much of a dps drop on longer fights. Feel free to customize the order of spells in the castsequence line if you think something might work better. Just note, While being able to cast flame shock right away would be nice, the 6 second cooldown of the spell could cause problems on certain fights if placed too early in the sequence.

Hi, i am new to this GSE stuff.
So as you described i deactivated actionbuttonusekeydown (also the other one here)
copied talents
copied makro and dragged it to the cast bar
i opened GSE and imported your code. nothing else done here.

when i click the makro its start 1 or 2 spells and then nothing…

what i am doing wrong? any spells to remove from keybinding?

Hello, I have a problem that when casting a spell, the character hangs for 2 seconds, it also happens when changing the target.

For some reason when using the AoE macro, earthquake just casts on me and not at my cursor or target or some reason. Nothing bound just spamming the macro. made sure all the settings for gse were correct and self cast was off.

I would try one thing if you haven’t yet an this is happening: go to game menu/options/combat then in the self cast option select ‘none’ then go back to Auto. This will ensure that the greyed out self cast key option is showing Custom instead of ctrl, alt, or shift Which can cause certain spells to self cast when it isn’t supposed to.

the macro works great for training dooms, but e.g. on m+ when moving or changing the target after pressing the skill it waits for 2 seconds even if it casts chain lighting.

I am using the non model sequences and I don’t get frost shock or ice fury procs out. Is it normal shall I hard cast them? everything else seems fine

I took a look at the sequence and realized I didn’t implement ice fury into the rotation. It is now. However, it will cause gse to throw an error when the spell shows as frost shock, but it will still be cast successfully when the spell switches to ice fury.

The only alternative to this would be to have frost shock as a modifier which wouldn’t work so well for someone who can’t/don’t want to use modifiers.

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Thanks man gonna try it now

OK working fine, is it possible to disable the error? its kinda boring having it pop up after the fight. Other think, may I suggest adding frost shock right after ice fury to get the 150% buffed frost shock or you think thanks not a dps gain?
It will be nice too to have other sequence without the major cool downs in it to. Other wise it’s a master piece man. thanks a lot

According to the sims I did, frost shock didn’t show up at all, and When I tested this using frost shock in the rotation instead of ice fury (As in it casts frost shock normally, then switches to ice fury when it procs) I ended up with a drop in dps.) As for the error, I recommend downloading bugsack and buggrabber addons so that you don’t get spammed with a popup.

When I have time, I might mess around with this more to see if I can come up with an alternative solution that doesn’t cause gse to error out also.

edit: My idea worked awesome and now the macro will start to cast icefury over anything else the moment the you get the buff and the game suddenly recognizes the spell and no longer ignors the command.

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Hey Thesairen,
I set up your macro as you described. I also configured GSE.
Unfortunately I get always the error that he doesn’t know the spell.
Do you have any solution for that too?
Best regards

If you’re leveling, I recommend getting bug sack/ bug grabber addons so you don’t get the error popups all the time. The errors should go away once you are leveled up and learn all the spells needed for this to fire off correctly. Otherwise, there’s this solution:

with macro aoe I miss tempest, I have to start it manually

Alright, I had some time to take a look at this, and I changed the wow macros so that they will now try to cast tempest as soon as it procs, assuming you aren’t holding down a modifier at the time. Basically, I’m using the same technique tor tempest that I did for Icefury, as I’m really liking how the macro behaves for this class using the technique of taking advantage of the fact that the name of the spell changes when it procs.

Hey there, thanks for the macro, works great. Just having a hiccup with Icefury. When making the macro, I copy as you have it written out. However, when using the macro button, it says Spell Not Learned and casts nothing. When removing Icefury from the macro, it works just fine, but after some fiddling, I cannot seem to get Icefury to weave into the sequence. Not sure if this is a just me thing or user error, I have the ActionButtonUseKeyDown option off for reference, and I’ve tried changing the macro to something like /cast [known:Icefury()] Icefury() or /cast [known:Icefury] Icefury() since I read somewhere that it may fix issues with Proc skills, but to no avail, any help would be appreciated.

Edit: So I kind of worked around it. I added it to the GSE Sequence as an action set to repeat once (idk why the repeat mattered), and it works kind of. It doesn’t prioritize casting like tempest does, and I get errors on BugSack for not knowing Icefury, which leads me to think that the game for some reason doesn’t recognize that you’re specced into Icefury until it procs. I could be, and probably am, completely wrong since people have their stuff working here, and it’s probably just a me thing.