SCG-Single button macro for shadow priest level 80 patch 11.1 update: 3/1/25

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update 3/1/25 This is now updated for patch 11.1, which I made a few minor changes to the talents and gse macro set. (no changes to the HP macros)

By having spells in the wow macro, before or after the /click command to trigger GSE, it is possible to get gse to function similar to how it used to (albeit with some added limitations within GSE).


  1. go to GSE options - TroubleShooting - turn off ActionButtonUseKeyDown, otherwise gse macro won’t fire off using this macro set.


  1. LUA ERROR NIL VALUE- That means you don’t know all of the spells that I added within GSE.
    Make sure you’re using all the same talents I have shared and the error should go away (passive talents don’t matter as much)
  2. If Leveling, download bug sack and bug grabber addons so you don’t get spammed with popups. Once you learn all the required spells, the error should go away. Alternatively, you can also go to GSE-MACRO_NAME - tab:‘1’ - disable all spell blocks containing a spell you don’t know - save. You can always go back into gse and reenable them when those spells are learned.
  3. This is made for the English version of WoW. If you are using a different language, you will have to manually translate the spells to the language of WoW you are using.


open the talent tree and import the following if you want to use the same talents as me:
talents are based off of what is suggested here: Shadow Priest PvE Guide For Mythic+



  1. copy the following macro, paste it in game as a new macro, and drag the icon to the cast bar to be spammed there.
/cast [noform] Shadowform
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [nochanneling,mod:ctrl] Mind Flay
/cast [mod:shift] Mind Blast
/cast [mod:alt] Shadow Word: Death
/click [nochanneling] SCG_SHADOW
/cast [nochanneling] Mind Flay

usage: To force specific spells to be cast, press ctrl for mind flay, shift for mind blast, and alt for shadow word death while holding down the spam key. However, this is also designed so those spells will sometimes be cast on their own without the need for a modifier, but the modifiers are helpful for increasing dps.

  1. import the following code into gse, but do not keybind it.


  1. copy the following macro, paste it in game as a new macro, and drag the icon to the cast bar to be spammed there.
/click SCG_SHDW_HP
/cast Flash Heal
  1. import the following code into gse, but do not keybind it.

Thank you so much, works great for me!

how is it that you are calling for a /click for the sequence from within the macro?
everything I have seen and read said that will not work. the sequence has to be bound to a key. will this work for other classes?

Ya, it will work, though you are more limited on what you can do within GSE using the /click method from what I’ve experienced and tested. Specifically, a macro block within GSE will more than likely break if you try to call it with a /click wow macro. However, spell and item gse blocks do still work, but only if you have ActionButtonUseKeyDown within GSE/options/troubleshooting turned off. Anyway, out of the 6 classes I’ve now been able to create a macro set for, that trade off seems to be worth it so far.

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Talent build is not loading for me, tried to use with my wowhead build and doesnt work, throws errors

dont know if your still having a issue, but i just imported the talents from the OP and it imported just fine. might be something else causing your error

Hi! Can you post a screenshot of the talents, because the hero talents are not importing for some reason. Thanks

its probably cuz the talents are just for lvl 70 right now. your gonna need to go figure out the hero ones.

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I haven’t had the time to level up my pries to 80 yet. Until I do, I recommend checking out Wowhead or icy-veins for talents help.

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I just updated my shadow priest now that it is finally leveled up to 80. Let me know what you think.

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Hello there!
Im very new to WoW and still levelling my character.
Im wondering if you could add an AoE button to this spec, to help with groups of open world mobs, but mostly to use in dungeons during trash packs.
Thank you for the spec so far, it is super helpful!

In your Shadow sequence, Block 10 and 11 are using an item… is this for a trinket? If so, which did you choose?

Both of those blocks are for your trinkets. One is for your top trinket, and the other is for your bottom trinket. Unfortunately I haven’t taken the time to test out or look up which block is for which trinket though.


So far, from what I’ve simmed, the difference in rotation between aoe and st for shadow priest was so minimal, that I figured it wasn’t worth it to create a separate macro for each of them.

Thank you for sharing! But I still want to know what SCG means in your macro title? Or is it an abbreviation of any word?

It stands for sethcomposerguy, a youtube channel I created about 15 years ago that I sometimes post videos on.


do you have a no mod version of the macro?

just remove those lines from the macro (you don’t need to edit the GSE code)
He has those mod’s in there just for a little more control.

You may want SW:D on a separate key - because appropriate use at right health % is important for better DPS…no macro/gse will ever do it properly.

/cast [noform] Shadowform
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/click [nochanneling] SCG_SHADOW
/cast [nochanneling] Mind Flay
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Thank you for the clarification and help from everyone <3

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