SCG-Single button macro set for Devastation Evoker level 80 version 11.1 update: 3/1/25

Thanks. While I don’t have a high level demon hunter at the moment, I could focus on that character next once I have the time. (most likely after my other level 70 characters are max level.)

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I have the issue too that I only cast living flame and a bunch of buffs. the icon of fire breath shows but its not casted.

sequence debugger:

SCG_DEV_AOE,2,Shattering Star,Found in Spell Book,Not Able to Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
SCG_DEV_AOE,3,Dragonrage,Found in Spell Book,Not Able to Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
SCG_DEV_AOE,4,Tip the Scales,Found in Spell Book,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
SCG_DEV_AOE,5,Pyre,Found in Spell Book,Not Able to Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
SCG_DEV_AOE,6,Azure Strike,Found in Spell Book,Not Able to Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
SCG_DEV_AOE,7,Pyre,Found in Spell Book,Not Able to Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
SCG_DEV_AOE,8,Living Flame,Found in Spell Book,Not Able to Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
SCG_DEV_AOE,9,Pyre,Found in Spell Book,Not Able to Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
SCG_DEV_AOE,1,Living Flame,Found in Spell Book,Not Able to Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
SCG_DEV_AOE,2,Shattering Star,Found in Spell Book,Not Able to Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
SCG_DEV_AOE,3,Dragonrage,Found in Spell Book,Not Able to Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
SCG_DEV_AOE,4,Tip the Scales,Found in Spell Book,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
SCG_DEV_AOE,5,Pyre,Found in Spell Book,Not Able to Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
SCG_DEV_AOE,6,Azure Strike,Found in Spell Book,Not Able to Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
SCG_DEV_AOE,7,Pyre,Found in Spell Book,Not Able to Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
SCG_DEV_AOE,8,Living Flame,Found in Spell Book,Not Able to Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
SCG_DEV_AOE,9,Pyre,Found in Spell Book,Not Able to Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
SCG_DEV_AOE,10,Renewing Blaze,Found in Spell Book,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
SCG_DEV_AOE,11,Pyre,Found in Spell Book,Not Able to Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
SCG_DEV_AOE,14,Living Flame,Found in Spell Book,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD In Cooldown,Not actively casting anything else.
SCG_DEV_AOE,1,Living Flame,Found in Spell Book,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
SCG_DEV_AOE,2,Shattering Star,Found in Spell Book,Not Able to Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
SCG_DEV_AOE,3,Dragonrage,Found in Spell Book,Not Able to Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
SCG_DEV_AOE,4,Tip the Scales,Found in Spell Book,Able To Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.

Edit: I disabled ActionButtonUseKeyDown in GSE and set Empowered Spell Input to Press and Tap, in a cross swap of settings neither combination seemed to fix it
Edit 2: I just realised the code formatting is not shown.
Pyre Not able to cast
azure strike not able to cast
Living Flame GCD in cooldown
Shattering Star not able to cast
dragonrage not able to cast

I just updated this macro set for patch 11.0.5.

@GeorgMaUlWurf Hmm… if the ActionButtonUseKeyDown is unticked, are you using the english version of the game or a different language? If a different language, you may have to translate all the spells to the language you’re using manually for it to work. That is the only thing I can think of if you’re having trouble with this based on what you already tried.

For some reason it wants to just keep using Living Flame all the time and doesn’t use Disintegrate?

I don’t have that issue myself. Are you sure you’re using the correct WoW macro? I have 3 separate sets for this one. One is for ST, one for AOE both of which should be casting disintegrate when able to, and the last one is designed for self healing, the of which is designed to use primarily living flame to self heal.

update: So after finally having a bit more time to play my evoker in a delve, I decided that this macro seems to run more smooth after swapping disintegrate and living flame with each other, and made the update on the main post.


macros seem to not want to work…I followed your instructions about the gse setup, but still on the ST one all I get is living flame. the AoE one doesn’t always fire off…no error message so I have no idea what is wrong.

Just bumping this to make sure this is still up to date and working well. From what I can tell no changes are needed for patch 11.1

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