SCG-Single button macro set for Devastation Evoker level 80 version 11.1 update: 3/1/25

If you like my macros, and want to provide me with some financial incentive to keep this and other macros updated, you can do so here: Paypal

update 3/1/25: Seems nothing much has changed for this class, so this update is just making sure the talents are up to date.


to have better control of the empower spells with the use of the modifire keys (shift for fire breath, ctrl for eternity surge), hold down the modifier key and let go of the rapid fire right after to start the cast. If it doesn’t start with that, tap and release your rapid fire key once you’re finished casting to start it. Then when it’s at the power level you want, then press your rapid fire key again to fire it off and release the modifier key so you can continue with your other spells. If it is only firing off at level 1, then go to wow options/combat/Empowered Spell Input and change the option to Press and Tap.

By having spells in the wow macro, before or after the /click command to trigger GSE, it is possible to get gse to function similar to how it used to (albeit with some added limitations within GSE).


  1. go to GSE options - TroubleShooting - turn off ActionButtonUseKeyDown, otherwise gse macro won’t fire off using this macro set.


  1. LUA ERROR NIL VALUE- That means you don’t know all of the spells that I added within GSE.
    Make sure you’re using all the same talents I have shared and the error should go away (passive talents don’t matter as much)
  2. If Leveling, download bug sack and bug grabber addons so you don’t get spammed with popups. Once you learn all the required spells, the error should go away. Alternatively, you can also go to GSE-MACRO_NAME - tab:‘1’ - disable all spell blocks containing a spell you don’t know - save. You can always go back into gse and reenable them when those spells are learned.
  3. This is made for the English version of WoW. If you are using a different language, you will have to manually translate the spells to the language of WoW you are using.


open the talent tree and import the following if you want to use the same talents as me:
talents are based off of what is suggested here



  1. copy the following macro, paste it in game as a new macro, and drag the icon to the cast bar to be spammed there.
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [mod:ctrl] Fire Breath
/cast [mod:alt] Eternity Surge
/cast [mod:shift,@cursor] Deep Breath
/click [nomod,nochanneling] SCG_DEV_ST
/cast [nomod,nochanneling] Living Flame
  1. import the following code into gse, but do not keybind it.


  1. copy the following macro, paste it in game as a new macro, and drag the icon to the cast bar to be spammed there.
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [mod:ctrl] Fire Breath
/cast [mod:alt] Eternity Surge
/cast [mod:shift,@cursor] Deep Breath
/click [nomod,nochanneling] SCG_DEV_AOE
/cast [nomod,nochanneling] Living Flame
  1. import the following code into gse, but do not keybind it.


  1. copy the following macro, paste it in game as a new macro, and drag the icon to the cast bar to be spammed there.
/click SCG_DEV_HP
/cast [@player] Living Flame
  1. import the following code into gse, but do not keybind it.
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update: I just made a few tweaks to this macro set (both the Wow and GSE macros) in order to improve the flow of it.

For ST can you make empowerment levels go off at 1 and for AOE have them go off on max?

Another idea is to have Shift+Macro and Ctrl+ Macro options to trigger FB and ES. That way there is more control with empowerment spells in different combat situations. I dont see any lazy macros like that for evoker but it works great on other classes I have tried. I can donate to your paypal if we can make one of these happen. Preferably the second option.

Good idea. I’ll see if I can pull it off.

Hmm. This might be a bit trickier to pull off since I can’t really use macro blocks within GSE when using the /click method to activate GSE, but I have an idea that may work.

update: turns option 2 wasn’t that hard to implement after all.

for single target:

/cleartarget [dead]
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [mod:shift] Fire Breath
/cast [mod:ctrl] Eternity Surge
/click [nochanneling] SCG_DEV_ST
/cast [nochanneling] Living Flame

for AOE:

/cleartarget [dead]
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [mod:shift] Fire Breath
/cast [mod:ctrl] Eternity Surge
/click [nochanneling] SCG_DEV_AOE
/cast [nochanneling] Living Flame

With this setup, you can fire off Fire Breath or eternity surge earlier when gse starts casting it. To add on to that, if you want full control of those spells, then it’s just a matter of disabling (or deleting) the 2 loop spell blocks inside gse that contain those spells. Hmm… after a bit more testing, I like it better with the empower spells deleted from within gse, and instead added to the WoW macro with the modifier.

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I will check this out later after work. Awesome job figuring it out! How does the lazy macro work without keybinding it? Can you also explain how in GSE you get into the spell block to disable or delete certain spells? I have not been able to find that.

Near the top right corner of each spell block there’s an option to disable that block through a toggle. If done right, the gse block should turn red.

Otherwise, I did update the main post where I moved the empower skills from within gse and added them into the Wow macro. I also made a few other minor tweaks to the gse macros, so it might be worth importing the updated gse macros instead.

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how do I get this line work?
/click [nochanneling] SCG_DEV_ST
when I click that macro it just cast living flame over and over

Random question, and I may as well place it here, since, I will likely use this for my toon but, with the newest release of gse, how do we keybind? or add a macro? It isn’t working the way it did yesterday morning.

Hey friend.
So I just tried setting everything up. Let me explain what I did and maybe that will help others too. I went to sequences in GSE and imported both ST and AOE scripts (I left as is. I did not keybind). Then I went to the in game Macro options and created those two individual macros. I dragged both icons to key 1 & 2 then I keybound the ST in game macro to “1” and the AOE to “2”. I set up my Razor Synapse so that I can go through the sequence while holding down my mouse number 1 and 2 button. The spells go off just fine but the modifier for shift and ctrl is clunky. I have it set to tap and press. But you have to catch it at the right time like right in between the end of one spell and the beginning of another. This is really hard to do. So I thought it would be better to switch it to hold and press so that while I am holding my modifier (kebind 1) with Shift I can wait until it catches FB and keep holding shift while it goes up in empowerment level. However, that does not seem to work when I change it to hold and press in settings. Any idea as to why? It would be so much better if we could hold shift until we get to the empowerment level we wanted and then let go once we want to release the spell.

Make sure you add those two sequence scripts into GSE>Sequence>Import. Somehow the Macro in Wow picks up on it in GSE. Otherwise you will just cast living flame.

You import under sequences. Dont keybind these sequences. Instead add the wow macro in game and it pulls the lazy macro script from sequences.


Okies, I will try… lol, it didn’t want to work for me earlier but, then again, i am walking dead atm, i am so tired. thanks

Ya, that was also my experience too with the modifier. It does offer more control, and it helps improve the frequency of the more powerful spell firing off (over using the pause feature), but it does take some getting used to.

That would be because your bound macro button is still rapid firing. To get the press and hold method to work as intended, you would need to press and hold the equivalent of your rapid firing key in addition to shift.

At that point you would almost be better off just dragging the empower spells to one of your cast bars, bind those buttons to an easy to reach key and press and hold that to build the empower spell until you want the spell to fire off. You should still be able to hold your rapid fire key without interrupting the empower cast.

Edit: just tested casting the empower spells the normal way (in the cast bar) along with the macro, and while it does work, you do have to let go of your rapid fire key if you want the empower spell to charge up all the way and the timing can still be a bit clunky, but if you just want it to fire off at level 1, it works fine while also still holding the rapid fire macro key.

Edit2: for using the modifier key in combination with the press and tap empowered option, you can have a bit more control by pressing and holding down the modifier key and letting go of your rapid fire key as soon as the empower spell starts building, then when the spell builds up high enough to where you want to fire off the empowered spell, press and hold your rapid fire key and release the modifier key so the other spells can fire off. Also, it seems to work the most consistently when you start the empower spell like that as you’re channeling Disintegrate, or another option is to hold the modifier key and release the rapid fire key until your done casting, then tap and release the rapid fire key once to start the spell, then press and hold the rapid fire key when you want to fire it off, letting go of the modifier right after to continue casting the other spells.

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I follow the instructions Any fix for this ?? I imported both for ST and AOE and made the 2 seperate Key sets for each on the game macro, still just casts living flame, like the above person noted

-ALSO - what talents is this for, i imported talents but it doesnt list for flameshaper or scalecommander hero talents dont seem to import over, i dont see a mention of which is in use here

I haven’t had the time to level up my evoker to 80 yet. If you want help deciding which hero talent to go with, I recommend looking up recommendations through icy-veins or wowhead.

From what I have found so far, ScaleCommander is the better option to go with.

ok thanks it seems to work sorta with the options for in game and GSE action button clicks.

Is it forced to use KEY BOARD press to use the macro vs mouse click i try mouse click on the game action bar where the macro is, and it only uses living flame, but if i press that key # on the key board it does more spells seems to work.

I want to use mouse for target spells on my game action bar - not key pressing as i use the keyboard for moving around in game

I did bid a mouse button to that key but its sluggish in usage very slow casting or wont cast at all some times. which is why i get so poor dps

before could just click the action bar with mouse and the macro’s would go thru thier normal rotations, not key pressing, as i need fingers to move, and cant cast many spells or macros and move at same time, which is why i use mouse targeting for my action bar spells.

the older GSE version worked very good for mouse clicking action bar for macro’s this new version does not.

any solutions ?

Not really sure what you’re asking. I personally use a programmable mouse where I programmed one of my mouse buttons to spam the action bar button containing the WoW macro at a speed of around 150ms when I hold it down.

I really love this macro it is very nice :). I do have a question though not related to this macro. Do you have a macro sequence for the havoc demon hunter by chance? I would really love to have a macro button for that one :slight_smile: