SCG-Single button macro sets for feral druid level 80, patch 11.1, update: 3/1/25

talents went in fine for me. Also works really well i like this way of macros, also took Predatory swiftness i hate coming out of form to heal.

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oh seems the sequence i got for heals from elf is trying to run while trying youra, or seems to be /shrug guess i’ll figure it out ; )

Just want to say thanks I was able to get the macro working right I had to go and delete all of my old gse macro’s something was going crazy with it but all better now thanks mate!!


I keep getting that as well , not sure what the issue is

Seems to work very well, thanks a lot for the macro! What MS were you intending this to be run at?

That error shows up when one of the gse macros contains a spell you don’t know. Best way to stop seeing the error is disable any gse macros you aren’t currently using, and also disable any spell blocks within the macro you are using that contains a spell you don’t know.

Thanks. I’m currently running my macros at 150ms.

Update: After finally reaching level 80, I had some time to run a number of sims and tweak the talents for maximum potential dps.

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I used the old version you posted before with druid of the claw hero talent and OMG , the dps is crazy good <3 best feral macro .

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Working well for me thanks for your efforts

Works good for me can you do a Guardian macro ?

I may have time to look into creating one this weekend.

Hi, your feral macro is great, will you be making a guardian macro?

oooo I like this one, lvl 74 and doing 350k on AOE packs and about 200k on bosses. Thanks
oh and I edited it and removed the nochanneling commands cause there is no channeling spells on Feral so you have more text space.

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Thanks, also, I finally got around to creating a guardian macro found here: SCG_Guardian

Great macro - but it often just stops casting spenders, and locks on builders. Have tried reloading, deleting and reloading the macro. It works, and then if you re-log, it doesn’t!

I enjoy your hunter macro, im just curious, I keep on getting errors,
Is there any possible work around?

Edit:Could it be because I am leveling? And the Fix would be just disable all the blocks I don’t have access to yet?

Yep, that would be the fix for it.

What level are you as i used this a few times soon as i talented into thrash and primal wrath level 12 onwards you should be able to use the macro without errors

Even upon deleting the macro, and then re-importing it, I got the same error

So not even using the addon at that point in time.
I have not seen that error when importing Macros on toons I have yet to level, so im not quite sure whats going on

That error shows up when one of the gse spell blocks contains a spell you don’t know. Best way to stop seeing the error is disable any gse spell blocks that contain a spell you don’t know (tab “1”) then press save, or if you’re a different spec disable the macro (front page) and press save. Then when you learn those spells/change back into the spec, you can reenable those spell blocks. Same thing with the WoW macro. delete any spell you don’t yet know then add them back in when you do know them.

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