SCG-Single button macro sets for feral druid level 80, patch 11.1, update: 3/1/25

I downloaded Elfyau’s Autounshift add on from curseforge and I added regrowth as a spell into your sequence and it will auto regrowth just fine if any of you were interested in that doing that for you. Awesome macro and top the meters for sure.

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Sometimes that happens to me, but I don’t think it’s a macro issue, it might be that you are generating combo points faster at some point, try using spenders manually or adding them into a modifier, it’s what I’m thinking about doing.

Hmm, when it comes down to spenders there isn’t really any way to have them go off consistently at the correct time (too much randomness in the other skills). However, It might be possible to change around the WoW macro a bit so that you can cast them on demand through the use of a modifier. (might be a bit tricky though due to the 255 character limit)

Update: I figured it out. A way to cast the spenders through the use of modifiers.


/cast [noform:2] Cat Form
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [nostealth,nocombat] Prowl
/cast [mod:shift] Rip
/cast [mod:ctrl] Ferocious Bite
/click [nochanneling,combat] SCG_FERAL
/castsequence [nochanneling] Rake,Thrash,Shred


/cast [noform:2] Cat Form
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [nostealth,nocombat] Prowl
/cast [mod:shift] Primal Wrath
/cast [mod:ctrl] Ferocious Bite
/click [nochanneling,combat] SCG_FERAL
/castsequence [nochanneling] Rake,Thrash,Shred

With these, now you can press shift in order to cast Primal Wrath for the AOE or Rip rip for the ST macro, and pressing ctrl while will cause your spam key to cast Ferocious bite.

One possibility of that happening is due to the fact that the feral druid loses energy fast when the cooldown spells aren’t active, resulting in abilities that require energy being unable to be cast temporarily until the energy can replenish enough. Basically, if that is what it is, it’s straight up due to the mechanics of the class itself and not caused by the macro.

Thank you so much, I really appreciate your effort on this! I’ll give it a whirl and let you know.

Totally agree on the energy thing. For me, it was happening when I shift spec, but feels like putting the spenders on a modifier would work. Thank you!

was working great a couple of week ago then my auto clicker stopped working , ive played since day one but lost the tips off a couple of fingers so finding it hard to press and keep pressing , was good while it lasted :slight_smile:

Ouch. What about getting a programmable mouse that lets you spam the macro when held down?

i have a logitech and had it set up but seems to only click once now
, ill try mucking around with it , cheers for the reply

got it sorted man ty

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Could you make one for fury warrior your macros are awsome!

Thanks. It might be few weeks before I have the time to make one for a fury warrior but I’ll add it to the list of requested classes I have yet to make a macro set for.

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Just wanted to say this macro is very seamless and i am loving it. Well done

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I just updated this macro set for 11.0.5. I also decided to share an option for those who don’t want to use modifiers.

Hi, I have tried to use the new updated macro and it seems to run through the rotation once and then locks up and won’t repeat the sequence. I noticed that you used max characters in the AOE sequence and the last line is Wrath,Thrash,Shred,Ferocious Bite,Rak So it is causing lock ups at least for me.

EDIT: Sorry should have mentioned it is the no mod version

I took a look at those sequences and made a change to where they don’t take up as much room.

Much appreciated !! Thank you for the quick reply. :slight_smile:

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I’m very new to this site and GSE. I added the #2. import the follow code to gse but do not keybind it and the following pops up on my screen:
Message: Interface/AddOns/GSE/API/Storage.lua:561: attempt to index local ‘spellinfo’ (a nil value)
Time: Sun Nov 3 12:22:54 2024
Count: 1
Stack: Interface/AddOns/GSE/API/Storage.lua:561: attempt to index local ‘spellinfo’ (a nil value)
[string “@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_FrameXML/Mainline/SecureTemplates.lua”]:723: in function SecureActionButton_OnClick' [string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_ActionBar/Mainline/ActionButton.lua"]:110: in function TryUseActionButton’
[string “@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_ActionBar/Mainline/ActionButton.lua”]:158: in function `ActionButtonUp’
[string “ACTIONBUTTON1”]:4: in function <[string “ACTIONBUTTON1”]:1>

Locals: self = ActionButton1 {
FlyoutArrowContainer = Frame {
showButtonArt = true
icon = ActionButton1Icon {
SlotArt = Texture {
bar = MainMenuBar {
HotKey = ActionButton1HotKey {
HighlightTexture = Texture {
CooldownFlash = Frame {
IconMask = MaskTexture {
SpellHighlightAnim = AnimationGroup {
TargetReticleAnimFrame = Frame {
commandName = “ACTIONBUTTON1”
index = 1
container = MainMenuBarButtonContainer1 {
bindingAction = “ACTIONBUTTON1”
feedback_action = 73
Border = ActionButton1Border {
Flash = ActionButton1Flash {
FlyoutBorderShadow = ActionButton1FlyoutBorderShadow {
QuickKeybindHighlightTexture = Texture {
flashing = 0
flashtime = 0
CheckedTexture = Texture {
PushedTexture = Texture {
NormalTexture = ActionButton1NormalTexture {
AutoCastOverlay = Frame {
Count = ActionButton1Count {
TextOverlayContainer = Frame {
LevelLinkLockIcon = Texture {
NewActionTexture = Texture {
Name = ActionButton1Name {
action = 73
eventsRegistered = true
SpellCastAnimFrame = Frame {
InterruptDisplay = Frame {
SpellHighlightTexture = Texture {
SlotBackground = Texture {
cooldown = ActionButton1Cooldown {
inputButton = “LeftButton”
down = false
isKeyPress = true
isSecureAction = true
isSecureMousePress = false
pressAndHoldAction = false
useOnKeyDown = false
clickAction = true
releasePressAndHoldAction = false
treatAsKeyPress = false
No idea what it is or how to fix it or even if something needs to be fixed… I would need a way to make the messaging go away.
Appreciate your time

I just now updated the troubleshooting section of my main post that explains the error you’re getting and how to get it go go away.

Thanks. I thought it was related to leveling up. I just didn’t have the knowledge to know for sure lol. Appreciate it.

I just updated this macro set for the 11.1 patch.