SCG-Single button survival hunter macro sets level 80 patch 11.0.5 update: 10/23/2024

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This macro set aims to provide a good balance of damage between ST and AOE builds. I also designed it use a normal macro to activate the gse macro sets.

update10/23/2024: Here is the update for patch 11.0.5. While the talents themsalve didn’t seem to change much, I decided to add some extra utility ooptions to the wow macros, specifically to allow an easier method for using trap. I also changed around some talents on the hunter side of the tree somewhat for better utility options.


  1. go to GSE options - TroubleShooting - turn off ActionButtonUseKeyDown, otherwise gse macro won’t fire off using this macro set.


  1. LUA ERROR NIL VALUE- That means you don’t know all of the spells that I added within GSE.
    Make sure you’re using all the same talents I have shared and the error should go away (passive talents don’t matter as much)
  2. If Leveling, download bug sack and bug grabber addons so you don’t get spammed with popups. Once you learn all the required spells, the error should go away. Alternatively, you can also go to GSE-MACRO_NAME - tab:‘1’ - disable all spell blocks containing a spell you don’t know - save. You can always go back into gse and reenable them when those spells are learned.
  3. This is made for the English version of WoW. If you are using a different language, you will have to manually translate the spells to the language of WoW you are using.


open the talent tree and import the following if you want to use the same talents as me:



  1. copy the following macro, paste it in game as a new macro, and drag the icon to the cast bar to be spammed there.
/cast [nopet,nomounted] Call Pet 1
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [mod:shift,@cursor] Freezing Trap
/cast [mod:ctrl,@cursor] Tar Trap
/cast [mod:alt,@cursor] Implosive Trap
/click [nochanneling] SCG_SV_ST
/cast [nochanneling] Kill Shot

usage: aim cursor and press shift for freezing trap, ctrl for tar trap, and alt for implosive trap.

  1. import the following code into gse, but do not keybind it.


  1. copy the following macro, paste it in game as a new macro, and drag the icon to the cast bar to be spammed there.
/cast [nopet,nomounted] Call Pet 1
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [mod:shift,@cursor] Freezing Trap
/cast [mod:ctrl,@cursor] Tar Trap
/cast [mod:alt,@cursor] Implosive Trap
/click [nochanneling] SCG_SV_AOE
/cast [nochanneling] Kill Shot

usage: aim cursor and press shift for freezing trap, ctrl for tar trap, and alt for implosive trap.

  1. import the following code into gse, but do not keybind it.
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Mate, this is so good. I’m new to Survival and its absolutely ripping. Thanks a lot.

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This really is working well. Went with Pack talents cause it didn’t add any more abilities.

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I’m trying out the macro and it seems to work fine. What ms are you running this at?
Gonna do a few trial runs and report the results here :slight_smile:

Edit: Did a few runs on the triple dummys, using the aoe macro. all runs are exactly the same, timewise and positionwise. Damage is low because of my shitty gear, fresh ilvl 476 from MoP remix :stuck_out_tongue: I’m sure it’ll be great once i gear/level.
Conclusion s it seems to woork best up to 150ms.

50-ms 171k 170k 164k
100ms- 173 161k
150ms- 170 k155k
200ms- 161k
250ms- 148k


I removed /targetenemy [noharm][dead] as i like to target mobs myself.
Its not firing Hunter’s Mark for some reason, sometimes it will fire it 1x at the first target but not at the new target. Been trying this on dummy’s and swapping between them for over 5 minutes.

Got any idea why it wont fire?

The challenging part of using hunters mark in the macro is it has a 20 second cooldown when used in combat. As a result, the best compromise I could think of is to place the spell after the /click command. If I were to place that line before the /click command, yes it will always try to fire first before casting the rest of the spells, but it will effectively block you from being able to cast other spells while it’s on cooldown if you change targets too fast. Hmm… if you don’t mind using modifiers, I suppose there is another solution that could work better:

/cast [nopet] Call Pet 1
/cleartarget [dead]
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [mod:ctrl] Hunter's Mark
/click  SCG_SV_ST
/cast Mend Pet

I don’t know why it doesn’t work for me, it just puts the mark on the enemy and does nothing.

GSE is giving the error “BROKEN MACRO” with “Interface/AddOns/GSE/API/Storage.lua:516:” for both macros ST and AOE.

If you’re the same spec as this and don’t know all the spells within the macro yet, go into the macro and disable any spell block you don’t know yet and press save. You can reenable them later when you learn those spells. If it happens when you spec to something else, you can disable the whole macro until your ready to spec back into survival.

yeah figured as much, ill just keybind it. Its fine :slight_smile: thanks!

My mistake, I just realized it’s the SCG BM macro that’s giving me errors not the survival macro and I posted in the wrong thread lol

you dont specify the hero talents for this build I was wondering if we could have that? Also great macro will donate to paypal

I plan to start leveling my hunter once my druid hits 80 (just 2 levels away now). Once that happens and I can also get my hunter to 80, I’ll be able to run some more sims to see which hero talents can get me the best dps. In the meantime, I’d recommend checking out Icy-veins or wowhead as those sites give some good insight on the different hero talents. Also, thanks. I’m glad you like my macro.

yeah i used Maxroll m+ talents, did adjust the macro abit to keep the big cooldown out of it for manual use. I think i did adjust a raptor strike in the AOE version. Did aswell put /petattack in the macro not in the gse.

Here is left boss damage and right heroic dungeon overal.

how can i remove the auto attack part of the macro? Its not visible to me when i go into the macro spell blocks.

if you mean auto targetting enemys its in the macro that you make to trigger the GSE

Ive had luck with some other macros where i can go into the macro and remove that line. Doesnt seem to be working with this one.

If you don’t want to auto target/attack a new enemy, just delete this line from the WoW macro.

I did remove it and for some reason its still auto targeting :/. I have no idea why its happening.

Check ure wow combat settings theres an option at the bottom called action targeting make sure that isnt highlighted.