as a Feral Druid I had an add-on that showed me an aura when I had an instant heal, with and green aura over my head, but they broke it:
– An Addon my Midna/Ramono
local active = false – here we store if the addon is active
local frame=CreateFrame(“FRAME”) – Create a frame for tracking units buffs
frame:SetScript(‘OnEvent’,function() – set a script for then the event occurs
local found=0 – here we store if we found predator’s swiftness
for i=1,40 do – loop through max 40 buffs
local ,,,,,,,,,,id=UnitAura(“Player”,i) – we only need the last agrument of UnitAura, which is spellID
if id==8936 then – 69369 = predators swiftness
SpellActivationOverlay_ShowOverlay(SpellActivationOverlayFrame,8936,“TEXTURES\SPELLACTIVATIONOVERLAYS\FURY_OF_STORMRAGE.BLP”,“TOP”,1,255,255,255,false,false) – show the overlay
found=1 – we found the spell, store it
if found==0 then SpellActivationOverlay_HideOverlays(SpellActivationOverlayFrame,8936) – if we didnt find the spell. remove the overlay (Yes it spams but does it matter :)? )
if UnitClass(“PLAYER”) == “Druid” then – if player is druid
frame:RegisterEvent(“UNIT_AURA”) – register when the buffs/debuffs of the player change
active = true
SLASH_TRACKPST1 = ‘/pst’ – slash command
function SlashCmdList.TRACKPST(msg, editbox) – slash command function
if active == true then
active = false
print(“Predator’s Swiftness Tracking now DISABLED!”)
frame:UnregisterEvent(“UNIT_AURA”) – unregister buff/debuff changes
SpellActivationOverlay_HideOverlays(SpellActivationOverlayFrame,8936) – Hide the alert if active
active = true
print(“Predator’s Swiftness Tracking now ENABLED!”)