So I’ve been seeing other macro’s in other forums where people have invested a lot of time. cant wait until server comes back up. The problem I often find with necroblight is getting the macro to do the rotation properly like 2 Festering strike then 2 scourge strike, basically normal rotation
Sequences[“Festering strike”] = {
StepFunction = [[
stepa = “112222333”
limit = string.len(stepa) or 1
if stepc == nil then
stepc = 1
if stepc >= limit then
stepc = 1
stepc = stepc + 1
step = tonumber(strsub (stepa, stepc, stepc))
-- Macro 1
/run print(“Festering Strike1!”)
/cast Festering strike1
-- Macro 2
/run print(“Scourge strike2!”)
/cast Scourge strike2
-- Macro 3
/run print(“Death coil3!”)
/cast Death coil3
What I am hoping is this type of setup is the beginning of helping the necroblight rotation get more on target and executing the rotation more elegantly to produce higher dps. All other spells during raids I pretty much control myself
What I see happening is this Festering strike festering strike, scourge strike scourge strike death coil death coil , festering strike, scourge strike, death coil, scourge strike, scourge strike, scourge strike, scourge strike, festering strike, festering strike, scourge strike scourge strike, death coil, death coil death coil. That’s pretty much the rotation that it should follow
Unholy Blight [aoe] Plaguebearer [single target bosses]
Purgatory or lichborne
Deaths advance
Runic Corruption
Death siphon or Death pact [honestly I am finding death siphon with the new increased healing way better[I can heal for 100k with it instead of the one time every 2mins 167k on death pact]
Gorefriend [raiding] Rwinter [solo play or pvp]
Np of course