Setting ms mouise corsair

I wanted to know if to set the macro speed “ms” done right I have to put one of the 2 options and that is?

macro mouse corsair

or so?

macro mouse 2

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the speed in the second is much faster despite being set to 100ms the same what changes could someone please help me?

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Hi I also use the icue software. For example, if I want to use a macro of 250ms, what do I have to set in the icue software? Can somebody help me? German wouldn’t be bad^^

I saw it same where posted here on the forums. Could someone, please, address this again? Reading this through I have done this wrong for some time which may have added to a lower DPS.

Try making the delay between the key press and key release set to 50ms, then add another delay after the key release and set to 50ms.