Shadow Macro 6.0.2

It was actually quite simple, use these macros for 3 and 4 now,

/cast [noform] Shadowform
/castsequence reset=0.3 Cascade
/castsequence reset=0.3 Halo
/castsequence reset=0.3 Divine Star
/run local G=GetSpellInfo SetMacroSpell(“T6″, G”Cascade”or G”Divine Star”or”Halo”)
/swapactionbar 3 4
/targetenemy [noharm]

and this is for action bar 4,

/cast !Shadow Word: Death
/swapactionbar 4 1
/targetenemy [noharm]

LOL was just going to post the same thing about the 4th Bar macro … :slight_smile: I love this community

Ahaha, yeah, the only problem with it is that depending on the mob, you may have to be running to get SW:D to cast otherwise your DoT’s or MB will kill the mob first, Not Really A problem in PvP though :stuck_out_tongue:

Hello both,

3 and 4 dont work. Isnt it more like firing the spell manually ?

BTW, I wanted to understand, is there a multi dotting AOE macro? Many thanks gentlemen!

Best Regards,

Hmm, they’re working fine for me. Whats the issue? Whats it not doing?

Also here’s a multi-DoT macro, that’s casts on your current target or your mouseover

/castsequence [@mouseover,harm,nodead][] reset=target Vampiric Touch, Shadow word: Pain