Here’s a quick one-button macro I came up with after the release of patch 6.0.2…
/cast [noform] Shadowform
/castsequence [mod:ctrl, nochanneling] Devouring Plague, Mind Flay, Mind Flay
/castsequence [nomod, nochanneling] reset=target/3 Shadow Word: Pain, Vampiric Touch, Mind Flay, Mind Flay, Mind Flay, Mind Flay
/cast [nomod, combat] !Mind Blast
/cast [nomod, combat] Power Infusion
/cast [nomod, combat] Shadowfiend
/cast [nomod, combat] Vampiric Embrace
/use [nomod, combat] 13
/use [nomod, combat] 14
It’s by no means perfect (SWD not included in this macro), but it’s a start.
- Macro is placed on Action Bar 1 and keybound to NUM1
- SWD keybound to NUM2
- Talents are as follows: Angelic Bulwark, Phantasm, Insanity, Psychic Scream, Power Infusion, Cascade
- CTRL modifier is pressed w/ 3 orbs and held for the duration of DEVOURING PLAGUE + TWO Mind Flays
Hopefully we can ‘fine-tune’ this sucker before WoD.
Cheers all!