Shadow Priest (MoP - 5.4)

Sorry for not getting back to everybody right away, I’ve taken a short break from the game. But as Nico D’Haese said, continue to cast Mind Flay until DP expires (2 or 3 times depending on your haste at the time).

A macro will NOT be able to fire DP automatically when you have acquired 3 orbs, as macros CANNOT check buff/state/aura conditions. But I have seen scripts that can. Therefore, I confidently say a macro like that is NOT possible. :frowning:

I am currently using the following macros at FLEX levels:


/cast [nostance] Shadowform
/castsequence [nomod] reset=0.2 0,0,Mind Blast
/castsequence [nomod] reset=0.2 0,Shadow Word: Death
/castsequence [mod:ctrl, combat, nochanneling] reset=3 Devouring Plague, Mind Flay, Mind Flay
/castsequence [nomod, nochanneling] reset=target/3 Shadow Word: Pain, Vampiric Touch, Mind Flay, Mind Flay, Mind Flay
/cast [nomod, combat] Power Infusion
/cast [nomod, combat] Vampiric Embrace
/cast [nomod, combat] Shadowfiend
/cast [nomod] Fear Ward
/startattack [combat]


/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=target/3 0,Mind Sear
/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=0.2 Halo
/cast [combat] !Power Infusion
/cast [combat] Shadowfiend
/startattack [combat]


/target @player
/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=0.2 0,0,0,Dispersion
/castsequence reset=0.2 0,0,Flash Heal
/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=1.0 0,Prayer of Mending, Renew
/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=0.2 Power Word: Shield
/cast [combat] !Power Infusion
/cast [combat] Gift of the Naaru
/cast [combat] Fade
/cast [combat] Healthstone

These are very nice macros also, if I have time I might do some comparison tests to see which one generate more DPS.

Cheers! :slight_smile:

[quote quote=12573]So … i bought WOD and got a boosted char … i choosed a Priest! im starting to regret this cause i just cant seem to get it to Work!

Im using the macro from this thread… but dps just wont go any higher than 50-60k’ish … can this be right…?

and im using macro like its supposed to be used … but it might be worth mentioning that my mana is hardly used??? it goes Down to 280 or so, but then to full mana Again …. seems like something is missing?

My ilvl is atm 513

link to char here:

If you’re expecting to top the DPS charts with a Shadow Priest, you will be totally disappointed. According to the Realistic DPS Rankings @ Noxxic, Shadow Priests are DEAD LAST on the chart!

…AND, if i remember correctly, I was always near 70k DPS on Target Dummy tests at around ilvl 515.

I somewhat agree with Nico D’Haese here…

In order to learn your toon’s spell rotation, it’s better to play with the spells manually instead of automatically with a one-button macro.

Icy Veins has a great web page that explains (in great detail) the intricacies of the Shadow Priest’s rotation, cooldowns, and abilites.

just a little input of my opinion and hope not to step on anyone’s toes. Most of these macros are used if you don’t feel like button mashing your way to the tops of the charts. With the new pre-order promotion going on alot of ppl are getting insta 90’s especially ppl who are relatively new to the game all together. Why lvl a toon to 90 when you can just buy all the expansions and then do the pre-order and bam insta 90. I use alot of these macros for the advantage of not mashing a bunch of buttons over and over again and use them on toons I rarely use and pick up again after a few months or patches later. Some classes i use the macros while studying theorycrafting of these classes so if i do feel like blowing the charts away, i can at least say I know what im doing.

Anywho we shouldn’t discourage ppl from using these macros if they are new to the class. just my 2cents. All in all still good macros :smiley: