Single Button Balance druid macro sets for patch 10.2 level 70 update: 12/02/23

Alright, should be fixed now.

Hey just want to say thanks for all your work on this macro and keeping it up. I main feral, but wanted to give balance a try and this macro has worked out well. Really appreciate the healing macro too as it’s great for questing.


Talents out-dated, please be so kind as to fix them, tnx in advanced.

out of date still can you link a pic of your talents

I haven’t been playing much wow lately, but I finally got around to updating the talent tree to what I currently use. Also, I have decided to create a link for anyone who would like to provide some financial incentive for me to keep this macro updated. (see original post)

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So you’ve updated this on 10-7-23 for the coming patch 10.2 or the updating is for the current patch and not the one on coming on Nov 7th? TIA

currently for current patch.

I’m wondering the same thing , I need a extra help this next season so far all the Gse IM using is a hit or miss , but its something for sure

As Siodar said, this is still for the current patch. Once patch 10.2 goes live, I’ll take some time to try and get this build optimized for 10.2 as I have the free time to do so.

Just got off my druid. Talent Tree is still good and macro is still killing it.

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@Siodar , that’s great to hear.

Anyway, I did make a few minor quality of life improvements to the st and aoe macro sets. Specifically, I added a conditional to the cool down (KeyRelease) spells in order to prevent them from being accidentally cast when your out of combat. I also added a line in the KeyPress section which will make your character clear the target an enemy when it’s dead.

Also, hopefully this weekend when I have more free time to mess around, I plan to test the capabilities of some of the other talents on the balance side of the tree to see if I can get any improvements to a simmed dps potential.

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I’ve just imported the macro and it cycles through the abilities on the hotbar, applies moonfire sunfire but then it seems to just spam Stellar Flare. Any ideas on how to fix this?

I’ve changed the talent choice for now, and the macro works great, but if anyone has a suggestion on how to make it work with Stellar Flare talent, that would be great.

Would you be willing to share what talent setup you were using when you were having the issue with stellar flare? It will help me figure out what’s going on and hopefully offer a solution.

Yeah of course, it was the one provided at the top of the thread.

hmm, If you were using the same talent build I have up there and the same macro set I shared, then I’m not sure why it would resort to only be casting stellar flare for you after an initial cycle, as it is working as intended on my end. In general, the macro is designed to put the 3 dot spells an any new target, then spam the stronger spells that have a longer cool down timer, followed by rotating between casting 5 wraths in a row and refreshing the dot’s of moonfire, sunfire, and stellar flare until the cooldowns of the stronger spells expire, and is able to be recast. While all that goes on, it will periodically try to cast starsurge depending on whether you generated enough astral power to be able to cast that spell. Then for the AOE macro set, wrath is replaced with starfire, and starsurge is replaced with starfall.

edit: hmm, there is one way I can think of where it might start spamming only Stellar flare. In the Keypress block, the castsequence line that lists the d.o.t. spells to be cast in a specific order, it’s is supposed to end the sequence with “null” to allow the rest of the spells in the other blocks to be cast as able. If the word “null” were to be somehow deleted, or some sort of glitch were to happen on your end where that castsequence line doesn’t get read correctly, then I can see how it might start spamming stellar flare.

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I looked into the macro sequence and could see that it should have worked as you’ve just described… I’ve got it working now, I reimported the macro and it still acted up, so I disabled activation of trinkets and such and now it works fine.

Also, I’m using iCUE to fire off the macro at 100ms, is that fine for this or is there a recommended speed to run it at?

i am not having that issue. maybe delete the macro and reimport it again. might of been bad import. just my guess.


Not sure what it is but old macro was doing more DPS than new updated one. I am seeing wrath and stellar flare take waaaaaay to long to cast.

Actually scratch what I said. It was just my ignorance man that got me. This is an actual debuff in 11+ mythics that slow down your casting real bad, nothing to do with the macro.

i am not having the pb… the macro working wonderful to me!
good job as always <3

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its jsut spaming moonfire sunfire and every now and than im getting new moon to fire but 90% of casts are jsut moonfire sun fire? would anyone know how i can jsut move the dots to an alt or shift modifer?