Single Button Balance druid macro sets for patch 10.2 level 70 update: 12/02/23

Thanks all, So this will hopefully be the last update I’ll make for a while until a big update gets released changing how the boomkin performs.

Anyway, after a good bit more testing and running a bunch of sims on with different talent combos, I have decided to disable both the mushroom and warior blocks and used those talents for other passive damage boosts instead. Turns out adding Warrior of Elune as a talent ended up giving me a pretty big loss in my simmed dps. Same thing happened when I added the wild mushroom and fungal growth talents but to a much lesser extent. Turns out as interesting as those spells are, they just don’t make up for the loss of other passive damage based talents. They also make it harder to balance out well in gse (aka more complicated.) However, instead of deleting those blocks, I just dasabled them in the newest update, that way if someone else wants to experiment with those talents, they can easily go into gse and reenable those blocks that they want to.

Also, after a bit of thought I decided to delete the renewal block. When it comes down to it, I originally included renewal as part of the rotation to hopefully not have to worry about switching to survival mode quite as often, but the new spell, Nature’s Vigil, kind of does a better job at that than renewal, which can be easily activated on demand by tapping the heals set just once or by clicking the spell in itself.

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@Thesairen Just levelled another Druid just to give this ago cheers for your efforts bro is the new talents your using up in the main post?

I was finding the same issues [Thesairen]
I’ll test this latest update out and see how she performs for me! Thanks for the work!
PS - I’m ilvl 387 simming around 41k. With your macro I was performing around 28-33k so Not to shabby!

ya, from the talents I tested/simmed, the current talent setup is what gave me the most dps.

please share your macros

Its still firing off bark skin, MOTW etc for me> Im not pressing any keys any ideas?

Use GSE on my other characters never had this problem. The macro works really well

share anything you got, I also think this is a banger.

do your other characters use this macro or just the one you’re having issues with?

Anyway, this gave me a thought, when I have some time to get in the game again, I could try removing the ‘releasekey’ line in the first block which may save it fro firing off barkskin and the other spells that don’t share a gcd when you just tap the macro once with the intention of shapeshifting to moonkin form. Also, if prefer having those spells that don’t share a gcd like barkskin, you’re welcom to scroll to the bottom of the macro set and delete those spells from it that are giving you issues. Not sure what else could be causing the issue you described.

This a great macro, cant wait to get some better gear and see how much better i can be. lol

Thank you for the advice Ill look at that. I use GSE on other char’s not had this issue before.

Alright, I finally got around to try removing the keyrelease line from the first block to se if that would keep me from using my cooldowns every time I only wanted to use the macro set once to transform to moonkin form before actually being ready to engage in battle, and it worked like a charm. I did update the main post with the change (both st and aoe), but be aware that is the only thing I changed in this update.

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i’ll give it a run through and let you know how it goes.

The latest ST macro (18/2) is great again. Puts out 3mil on the dummy in 1 minute.

but to make rotation you have to use macro 1 for solar phase and when procca lunar phase you have to use macro aoe ?

At the moment I Haven’t tried to optimize this macro set (st or aoe) to take advantage of the eclipse passive ability and to take advantage of the different phases. (assuming that’s what you’re talking about?) However you’re welcome to experiment with it yourself by replacing a wrath spell with a starfire spell (or 2) in the the castsequence block of the st macro set, or replacing a starfire spell (or 2) with a wrath spell in the castsequence block of the aoe macro set to see if that will increase your dps at all. If you find an order of spells in the castsequence block that could work well. Hmm, I might actually experiment with that myself when I get the chance to see if that would improve my dps.

Basically something like this might work in the castsequence block: I don’t want to test it out right now to see if it will improve my dps on my main druid as I’m playing on a different toon right not, but you’re welcome to test it out. IF it shows it does indeed improve dps for longer fights, I’ll be happy to update the first post with the change.

for st:

/castsequence [nochanneling]   reset=combat  Wrath, Wrath, Moonfire, Sunfire, Stellar Flare, Starfire, Starfire

for aoe:

/castsequence [nochanneling] Starfire, Starfire, Sunfire, Moonfire, Stellar Flare, Wrath, Wrath

It’s not really required to push the pendulum back and forth this expac. The Icy veins guides and my experience reflect that we prioritize Lunar eclipse most of the time using wrath as our fillers when not in CA/chosen. It was far more needed in previous expacs when we HAD to push the eclipse pendulum back and forth in our rotation. Now we have the freedom to choose which eclipse we run. I have been having the best luck with these macros for this reason this expac. We used to have to have multiple ST and AOE macros for the two phases… I think you macro has room for tweaks but is pretty solid with these latest adjustments.


a ok so then just use single macro and aoe and stop ok

the new update is a banger, good job

Hi, thanks so much for this macro.
I like it very much. How would I be able to add the dots to an alt modifier, that way it is not recasting on a new target that is already affected by Moonfire and Sunfire due to talents causing those abilities to hit more than the main target.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks again, great job

The loadout you are tying to import is outdated.?