Single & Multi Target Ret Macro BFA 8.0.1 Pre Patch

is it possible to remove avenging wrath from both macro plz thanks

i love the the ret aoe macro but how can i just remove the put in divine storm then remove blade of justice for crusader strike. i would like the the extra aoe. and i am rely bad at these new macro’s i can’s seem to figure them out i just came back and just started with them yesterday.

Thank you so much for the macro! I did a little bit of tweaking and think I got all the kinks out…
Right now I’m 339 ilvl with horrible stats, but when I SIM with NO BUFFS and NO MOVEMENT it comes out to “6,506 DPS”.

Just tested on a training dummy twice. Once to 5m total damage, second time I went to 6m. Averaged between 7.4k and 7.7k DPS. :slight_smile: